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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. secret room in laser jail is underneath medic, u need the password which is found at the bottom of the water pit/well thingy in the sauna room beside the armory door that lets u get into armory, the password changes each time so u have to keep going there and looking for it, u have to shoot around in the walls to break a wall that covers the password, the enter password thing is right beside the boxes next to medic on the wall itself, not the wall of medic. then u put in the password for it, the floor breaks and a ramp leads u down into the secret game where u have to get through 4 doorways that change each time u dont get through them so its entirely random, then u get through to the secret room area where u can pick 1000hp, 1000 score, unlimited ammo or invisibility, if u beat it once in a round, u cant do it again so u can only have 1 secret powerup,

  2. +1 HAHAHAHAHAHA this definitely happened, jailbreak reverted to extremely low pixels and everyone turned into stick figures, at which point rabid (who went super saiyan at this point) was caught by moi camping in the armory window, so i materialized behind him, read him his charges, gave him a trial in front of jury of his peers, and they found him guilty of armory camping and not doing the truffle shuffle at least once every 2 hours. all that happened in like a split second because i used my admin powers to stop time while rabid had his trial.


    +15 internets to rabid for the lulz of the week

  3. k, ill unban u from the servers, but ur gonna have to be ct banned for a couple of weeks cause the mod goofed on the rules and was only supposed to ct ban u not server ban

    -sealed away in the last great time war

  4. be a t more than a ct, t is more fun and is a bigger challenge, also the rush that u get when ur running away and u get shot a few times right before u turn the corner is AWESOME, and if ur not sure if u should kill a t, then dont, if im ever ct, i let other cts do the killing and i shoot the ones that are rebelling (shooting at cts, running in a completely different direction etc)

  5. Name - Doctor


    PvP or PvE - I don't condone violence, I try to help my enemies rather than destroy them


    Realm - Gallifrey (formerly), Earth (formerly), anywhere in time and space (current)


    Race - Timelord


    Class - I was Lord President of the High Council but I fled in my TARDIS cause I didn't want the position


    Level - 904


    Professions - Time travel, and science of all kinds


    Cataclysm Raid Progression - Don't know but I flew through the jaws of the Nightmare Child


    joke post btw

  6. this clan is like a giant sausage fest of teenage boys, any girl is welcome, mostly cause they love the attention, and looks are a bonus, also get on ts, we got a bunch of randoms yesterday and that reduced the chick to ♥♥♥♥ ratio by quite a bit