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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. i checked the teambans and the server bans and i cant find u on either of them, i checked back like 1-2 months in both and i cant find ur steam id, so it was either recent that the teambans didnt update it yet or the source ban is pretty far back

  2. papi, ur an admin, u can order mods to get on the other servers and moderate there, its not like they can no, also snails are terribad cause they lose to yurkoon jr and dont be afraid to go undercover to catch a hacker, set ur status to offline first, change ur name, get on whatever server u need to get on, go spectate and watch the suspected person

  3. hey, im serbian, im div leader for css along with billy mays, and herpes. the div leaders and silence are still working on the minecraft server, so thats prob why its whitelist only, however, it might be open to the public cause he posted an announcement earlier. also since u play on surf, vote on this poll, its basically a thread to see if ppl want rpg surf to return to rpg surf deathmatch


    Bring back rpg surf deathmatch? poll

  4. ima post the first update on my campaign, i skipped like the first 10 turns cause i forgot to start fraps and i didnt plan on making an AAR at the time. it was mostly me fighting hannibal and the roman rebels, basically the hard part in the beginning, after which it got a lot easier


    heres my faction when i started the AAR





    this is my faction a few days after, i mostly spent time building up italy and making it an economic powerhouse





    this is my northern border, its as far as ill go north atm, at least until i secure spain and northern africa, massilia (the city on the map there) is being turned into a fortress city to protect italy against the gauls (barbarians to the top left of the map in france) and it will also be used as a forward operating base when i invade france in the future


    image dead.



    there seems to be something like a cold war starting to happen between me and carthage (the white faction in spain and africa), i forced an army of theirs to retreat into their ships which were quickly sunk after, they have also been asking for a ceasefire since





    this is the second huge city that i had captured, i sieged it for like 9 turns and reduced their army from like 3400 something to like 600 while losing none of my own and got 35k from exterminating it, now its used as a learning center for family members and generals, and its providing a lot of money





    carthage sent a sizable army to caralis and in return i beefed up my navy and sent another full stack there (also in preparation for invading carthage)





    soon after i start my turn, i get a message saying that spartas been destroyed and i look to see this, the ptolemaiens (eqyptians) invaded and conquered them in the same turn, and i was like FUUUUU now i have a bigger faction to deal with when i invade greece -_-





    this are the roman rebels, they have built a sizable force in the former spanish colony and might be preparing to strike outward, at which point it will destabilize the region and allow me to strike when both the romans and the carthaginians are weakened from war





    this is the situation in spain, the gallacaei (brown faction in northern spain) are soon gonna border with the carthaginians, at which point, they will have no choice but to attack them in order to expand, there could be a huge war in spain between the two, cant wait to see how it turns out











  5. that is him with the tattoos, vero post pics of urself (ur REAL self), also u seem to be getting active again on forums, is this heralding something big? (u rjing xg)

  6. -brought back from the last great time war


    got new evidence as well from someone :


    I was in the server at the time when mike made that post. Tarin acted perfectly within his rights as a mod to boot him. Basically, I killed him on a ramp, then killed myself by accident. Mike started making fun of me, then I replied with "haha your dead" or something, then he starts mic spamming "wiggles sucks, wiggles sucks, wiggles sucks..." At that point, Tarin warns him for being disrespectful to other players and could possibly get kicked. He's goes silent for a minute, then starts claiming that he's the victim and that he wants me to get warned too. He whines some more and Tarin kicks him. 5 minutes later he comes back and says that he's talked to someone and that Tarin's going to lose his mod powers. Several players in the server tell him to be quiet (Ltwombat was one of them) and he starts cussing them out saying he's "sick of this ♥♥♥♥".


    Just wanted to let you know what really happened, mike wasn't the victim like he claims. He's a delusional little kid who can't stop whining for 10 seconds. Thanks.


    its from: wiggles

  7. ya, ima go ahead and close this cause of no proof, if anyone has proof, msg me and ill reopen it, also if aegean and duckii think that there wasnt enough time given for the thread, feel free to reopen it if u want to


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  8. basically, yes or no to bringing back rpg surf deathmatch


    put reasons if u have any to give for ur choice, im also gonna be asking those that are on surf what they think as well


    and if anyone knows of a plugin that allows u to vote to play deathmatch while the main gametype is scrim, sorta like rtv but for deathmatch game mode

  9. +1 instant mod to anyone who's terrible at scrim that beat duckii in a 1v1, knows rules, used to have a problem with him in the past but hes improved since then, hes more mature and stuff, and u dont have to be warden in order to be a mod, i despise being warden cause its for the power hungry

  10. as of now, i lost the savegame for spqr cause it was on my previous hard drive that died out of nowhere, but my bro found some software that might be able to restore the data that is on it, also spqr was at the point where it was super hard to organize legions cause i could only recruit 1 legion per city cause i was following the house rules and i was missing local spearmen in italy, meaning my legions were incapable of fighting unless they had spearmen (house rule i made for myself, if an army lacks swordsmen/spearmen/cavalry/missile units, then it cant be used for battle if its a front-line unit)


    and besides RS2 is a lot of fun for me cause the legions can be built in multiple cities and they are also more balanced so im not facing an army thats 50% bigger than mine with both armies at full strength. also there is the civil war which is rly rly fun to play, and the unique legions look soooo badass

  11. hope u guys didnt forget about Movember, or as some of u say "no shave november", we'll be having a tinychat party this thursday to see who has the biggest/best mustache, so get ur handlebar mustaches ready, also beards count as well (simply because more can grow a beard than a mustache). ill post the url for the tinychat room later

  12. also one can say that any nation in africa has better gun laws, or even afghanistan, u just go there and buy like an ak with 1000 rounds for like 40 bucks and shoot all u want cause its all open desert, u can also get like rpgs and stuff and be all "hur dur im an engineer, my wrench fixes everything in a vehicle just by tightening a few bolts on the outside"