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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. btw, rabid told me that the less ppl that remember about it the better lol, and ya i shaved like 4-5 days before movember ended cause the beard was ♥♥♥♥ing killing me, i kept pulling hairs from it and it stung like hell, also i had to trim it down with a rly small trimmer in order to shave it with a razor, im trimming for like 5 minutes, i look down, and theres hair EVERYWHERE, and i mean SO MUCH HAIR lol

  2. update on my campaign:

    turns out the barbarians to the northwest (gauls, the green faction in france) decided to move troops near my borders, so i sent my army out to the bridge to hold them off there, then this happened:




    i beat their 4000 strong army with my higher quality units and only lose around 100 of my own guys, they asked for a ceasefire after that, they have several mroe north of that city but going towards germany


    remember that cold war island place? well it turns out that carthage is getting too strong for my liking so i decided to pull my forces out from there, leave 1 unit inside so they dont capture it instantly and mass them around their capital city of carthago





    this is their main city and the landings for my invasion of northern africa, i already have a general whos perfect for that city, hes like 20 yrs old and has like 6-7 management scrolls (out of 10 max, so thats excellent)





    and this is the landings itself, with 2 stacks coming from the north and 2 stacks from the east, i quickly siege their un-walled town and capture it in the same turn





    these are the attacks so far, i sieged all 3 of the cities there and i take them the next turn and exterminate the populations which gives me a lot of money and helps to control the happiness levels as well





    2 turns or so after i captured the 3 cities, carthage retaliates with 2 stacks, 1 stack with heavy cavalry, elite units, heavy and light spearmen and skirmishers, the second is like a backup stack, its gonna be the first major battle as they fight to repel me from their lands, but it will not be the last major battle thats for sure





    and thats where its at so far, after i fight the 2 stacks off, im probably gonna push eastward in north africa a bit, then ill launch another invasion into spain to take their other major city and recruitment center, also to secure the gold and silver mines of spain


    i plan on turning carthago into a major recruitment center and a base of operations for the north africa theater and a key resupply point for the spanish theater







  3. i got into xg because of rpg surf deathmatch, i played it like every day and stuff, then silence fiddled around with it, it became rly easy to lvl up (max out after 30 min or so) but i still kept playing, and i was like lvl 120k and first in rank and rpgrank, the next highest person was like lvl 50k, i also had a kd of 2.3 that i liked. then stuff and such happened and now we are back to the rpg surf that we have now, so i was more or less brought up on fast paced deathmatch rather than slow paced scrim

  4. i like to eat food that makes a loud crunching sound, like pretzels, or hard fruits (apples, pears, etc), basically anything that if u eat with ur mouth deliberately open, ull ♥♥♥♥ someone off for teh lulz


    also forgot to mention, Vicky's Jalapeno potato chips, the mother♥♥♥♥ing ♥♥♥♥ even if my eyes water from the spice

  5. so ud take all the crappy stuff in the us, such as the government, the health problems, the economic problems, the social problems, the hated by everyone problems, the declining social liberties in the name of security and commerce (the SOPA bill) all so u can shoot guns whenever u want?

  6. k ur unbanned, also dont let ur sister on jb cause ull most likely get permed again if u mass freekill and leave, u could also ask someone to ct ban u for "x" amount of time so that when ur not on the comp for several days, u dont have to worry about someone going on ur account and breaking rules as a ct


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  7. i dont go on surf anymore cause its scrim which sucks ♥♥♥ and is too slow for surf where ull die instantly if u touch the extreme edge of the ground then u have to wait for everyone else to die which takes a long time if everyones jumping around and ♥♥♥♥

  8. oh now i remember, the ts were lined up at the big cage in vip in the mix, and for some reason u started shooting into the line and killed like 5-6 ts before i slayed u, then u left shortly after and u were permed cause of that, so mass freekill and leaving right after is a perm ban from server