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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. why does everyone have chemistry sets? are they that useful? i took chemistry in high school and couldnt understand any of that, all those elements and ♥♥♥♥, and wtfs up with that na2 + co4 = applesauce ♥♥♥♥?

  2. lol instant warday in cells? thats an awp massacre by the cts, they'll just keep shooting in cells and healing whereas ts cant move anywhere, i approve of the gambling idea. for the cts, not rly sure what to do with the money thing they have, but maybe make tazer cost money, or make it cost money to switch to t so that they dont have like 30k when ts have like 10k, it wont prevent them from switching to t but it will take off money perhaps, ie it costs 10k to move to t, u have 8k, u lose 8k and switch to t, but if u have 15k, u lose 10k and switch to t

  3. getting kicked in the vag is nothing (from what ive read/heard), getting kicked in the balls is what hurts like hell, it doesnt just stop like an hour later, it KEEPS hurting for days and days, i once sat on one of my balls and it was the worst feeling in the world, it felt like someone was pinching them to the point that they pop like a balloon, *shudders*

  4. good idea, keeps ppl who want to be warden in a pool where they each have the same chance of getting warden, while keeping those who dont want to be warden out of it, so there are 10 cts, 5 want warden, 5 dont, the 5 who do want warden would be rotated however times per round

  5. smoker, did u have to beat the guy up with 10 of ur friends? how does that make u better, u couldve just told him to leave the house, if he didnt, u would call the police and tell them that hes trespassing in ur house (unless there was alcohol involved and everyone was under 21, at which point ur kinda screwed), also fight fire with fire, go tell the principal that he threatened you or some ♥♥♥♥ (i know the event happened in the past and that everythings been forgotten about in terms of feelings about the event)

  6. oh, u mean HOBO scrim team, it appears that ive read it wrong, also for teh lulz:


    Name: The Doctor

    How Long You Have Been Playing: 904 years

    How you would rate your skill from 1 - 10: Timelord

    Do You Have A Mic(And willing to use it): i have a TARDIS which is better than a mic

    Have you ever had scrim team experience before: no but ive fought in the last great time war and survived the fall of arcadia

    Why should we accept you: cause i can travel back in time and prevent ur birth if im denied


    also prob a dumb idea, but u should get netex on ur team, he may be a ♥♥♥♥ but hes a damn good scrim player