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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. I am in second year university

    Classes: criminology (program is called justice studies)

    Grades: not what i wanted, its the teaching method thats screwing me up (a ♥♥♥♥ ton of reading which i CANT do, cause its boring as ♥♥♥♥)

  2. i just want the pub server to have 16k every round so i dont have to deal with having to go pistol every 3 rounds cause of no money and i dont rly take stuff said about me over forums that srsly, so its not biggie anyway

  3. from what i saw in the demo u were spawnkilling/camping several times, and u shouldve given the other team time to leave their spawn and not assume that the instant they leave their spawn, its not spawnkilling, also the last kills u got before the demo ended were spawn kills

  4. duckiijr ur too *something* to do all that crazy ♥♥♥♥, also i wouldve entered but then she said she was gonna pull the numbers out of a hat so im like ♥♥♥♥ that ♥♥♥♥, and i left the thread, also just torrent dead island if u want it so badly

  5. but u two have an advantage in overall skill in scrimming, so ur basically taking the advantage away from those who rely on rpg skills to get kills cause they may not be good enough for regular scrim, and giving urselves the advantage cause u guys are better than most and dont have to deal with ppl longjumping around the map

  6. kk everyones scripting and i 100% believe u even if u dont have proof and ur not singling anyone out, so ima go ahead and ban anyone whos ever jumped on our servers, brb in like 4 seconds

  7. i dont drink, it all tastes like ♥♥♥♥ and it all tastes the same, but if i had to drink for social purposes, id have to go for some hard liquor, its fancy and women love someone who drinks expensive stuff over regular beer

  8. ima close this cause it was only a one hour ban/ct ban, so theres no point in a ban protest, also the reasoning seemed logical for a 1 hour ct ban


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  9. dont take any sleeping pills or nyquil, cause ur relying on those to help u sleep, make a rigid sleep schedule, go to bed at like 12am and wake up at like 8am (if on weekends), if its school night, go to bed at around 11pm and wake up at say 8am if ur school starts at 9 and u can walk to school. also, lay off the computer games, they arent gonna help u at all, eat food that ur mom makes at home, dont eat like frozen pizza or processed foods, take multivitamins if u need to supplement some vitamins and minerals that u arent getting enough of.


    try to work out at least 3 times a week for an hour or so, either run or do some light weightlifting, it will help ur overall health, it will also help to control ur diabetes immensely by regulating the overall nutritional intake and it would make u sleep more deeply cause of the expended energy, tell ur mom not to buy any junk food so that the only choice ull have is like fruits and vegetables, force urself to stop eating junk food if u have to, i sometimes eat way too many chocolate wafers but i force myself to stop at like 5-6 and i move the food out of my sight so i dont get tempted,

  10. there is a certain brand of asus laptops that are good for gaming and come at a cheap price, the actual name eludes me but i might be able to remember it sometime later

  11. ♥♥♥♥ing rosser, u just ruined it for everyone who hasnt watched season 2, also dexter, true blood, naruto shippuden (bunch of filler episodes atm and its ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ me off), and trailer park boys reruns ftw