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Posts posted by HighSociety

  1. if we did swap out ppl without mics, it would lead to either dumber cts or ppl that dont want to be cts, then ud have something like 10 cts having to control 45 ts, and then the autoswap would move ppl from t to ct and they wouldnt want to be ct


    tl dr: it wouldnt be practical


    -1 to the idea


    +1 to a second smaller jailbreak server thats more manageable, i find the 55 slot one slow and boring cause of bad cts, too small map, and simply because the old members of xg loved the old jailbreak where it was like 40 ppl on and it was a lot more fast paced and fun cause we had ppl like aegean, rabid, excision, basically all the oldfags of the clan in it and it was awesome playing jb back then. for me, jb is more about having to moderate and spec the entire time than it is to actually play the game


    I think we should have our normal JB server, and an xG member ONLY JB server. So that the latter would have people who know the rules...

  2. The bhop server got replaced by DR. I got silence to put up the DR server, but i didn't expect him to remove the bhop server. Silence is never going to get rid of the XMAS server, never has, never will. I +1 to bring back bhop, replace xmas already silence. Or replace JB...thatll work...right?

  3. -1 got threatened by one of their members numerous times. They're all disrespectful no matter what and they need to learn how to be more considerate of xG.


    That was one of the most ignorant posts ive ever read. EVER. Because 1 person is the same as an entire clan. TOTALLY. <sarcasm btw, in case some of u derps didnt know


  5. There is no proof of him doing any of that. You should know better, being a moderator yourself that posting a ban request without proof is absolutely useless. I was there, you did not warm him 4 times, that's absolutely garbage. You only warned him once with a kick. His ban should be lessened to a day (which already passed). Trolling does not deserve a 1 week ban. I know I have no say in this because I'm not apart of the xG clan, but I'm just trying to give light to the situation because Russki was definitely unfairly banned for an unreasonable amount of time.




    the only reason ur saying -1 is because hes your friend...and you do the same ♥♥♥♥. ive had to gag you both MULTIPLE time and explain why MULTIPLE times. ive even kicked both of you a few times at one point or another. i think i banned you at one point, but i may be mistaken. its always for the same reasons "trolling/racism/disrespect/general incompetance" im not vouching, but personally, i will be watching both of you...

  6. Ps3...ive had every gaming system known to man at one point or another. Idk where people get that for online, xbox is better. its really not true. online is WAY better on ps3. way less derps and tools. better connectivity too. ps3 has better graphics as well, which is what i really care about. im also not going to pay 50 bucks a month for exclusive...stupid as fuuuuuuck. ALL i use now is ps3 and my shitty laptop lul. PLUS microsofts customer service is SO BAD. sonys is ♥♥♥♥ing awesome. the only customer service that is worse than microsofts is apple...♥♥♥♥ing genius bar my ♥♥♥....

  7. Funniest Member: Jaybreeze

    Best Warden: Smoker

    Best Rebeller: Papichulo

    Most likely to die by a door: Arthman

    Best shooter with an AWP: Duckii

    Best JB Map: Avalanche

    Best Minigame Map: Saw

    Best Sub-Clan: R...duh

    Favorite Member in xG: Xavien, Hudson, Herpes, Colour

    Most mature member: DysprosiumJD...anyone remember him? whadda bossss

    Best young member (15 and under): Penguin

    Rich ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥: Azure...MOFO GIFTED ME 4 HATPACKS

    Sexiest person: Aegean (Dat Dance)

    Most lovable: Hudson

    Most forum posts: DuckiiJr.

    Most abusive mod/admin: Rexxthg

    Most fun to play with: Silence

    Most rejected: either mikees or Skyler K

    Best Canadian: who cares? theyre canadians...

    Best/Meaningful posts: Otherworldly

  8. Youre right, it is a dictatorship. But guess what? You dont pay to host the servers, forums, or teamspeak. Look at it this way, xG is a company and Silence has a majority share of the stock so he makes the more important decisions.




    find the Q ^^

  9. First off, stop ganging up on him. He made the thread to bring out the problems he sees in xG, they are valid and you guys are stuck on grammar mistakes. Did you even read it? or are you just going to continue to be useless and argue? This wasn't meant to cause another sh-itstorm, like everything always turns into because you people start arguments. Way to prove his point.


    Actually, i could care less about the grammar. I was just proving that his smartass remarks r not valid, and therefore, not needed. @requestclose, as this thread is going to cause nothing but uneducated flamewars, and petty ♥♥♥♥ fights

  10. A paradox:

    1.) any person, thing, or situation exhibiting an apparently contradictory nature.

    2.) a self-contradictory and false proposition.


    You first said that they don't care what anyone has to say but then you said they do.


    He said they dont HAVE to care...but they care. Be more careful with ur smartass criticisms lul...

  11. No, I'm just fed up with the amount of pointless threads that Duckiijr makes. Most of them are in random where they belong but he literally puts up a new thread everyday for the videos he finds on youtube.


    Why can't we just have one single mega-thread for that kind of stuff?


    Hang on...who tha ♥♥♥♥ cares? Hes got mod already, so it really doesnt matter. As long as hes not gravedigging (which hes not) who gives a ♥♥♥♥? Just move ur mouse wheel down ONE MORE CLICK. I know its a TON of work, but its well worth it. Itll save u the time of posting these idiotic comments...