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Posts posted by HighSociety

  1. Its not a thousand...its 2...calm down there. And you ARE coming off as a douchetool. Just because u dont celebrate xmas, doesnt mean u have to bash it. Im not jewish, catholic, christian, or any organized religion for that matter, but if someone says "happy holidays", ill at least say "thanks, u 2" not overjoyed, not being an ass♥♥♥♥. Im not trying to start problems, but when someone does something to be nice, dont ♥♥♥♥ on them...

  2. I airsofted until me and my bros got rolled for it. Its against the law where i live -_-. We were on our way to the park, and 3 pigs roll up, get out of their cars, duck behind their doors (guns aimed at us), and yell "get on the ground". All for a couple teenagers with airsoft guns...♥♥♥♥ing cops...supernarwhal was one of the ppl with me. Im still on police watch until april 18, 2012 (when i turn 18). Police watch was for a combination of breaking curfew when i was like 15, the airsofts, and trespassing at the local elementary school (me, supernarwhal, and a few others were on the roof of the school for freerunning practice, cuz its awesome). I live in a north chicago suburb, where cops have nothing better to do than bust people for stupid ♥♥♥♥......

  3. I liked rexx. LIKED...he used to be chill as hell, and an awesome kid to talk to. Then he started trolling MASSIVLY, and became an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Rexx, if you read this...uve been given SO many chances, but you still havent changed. Its no ones fault but ur own. Im honestly disappointed in you...

  4. OH MAI GAWD : let ME HEAL

    OH MAI GAWD : 5 HO

    deadmeat : HEAL


    Kuta|πЗЯd| killed flappus dckus with deagle.




    ?LLF?Drake98? killed Cylabrah Jenkins with ak47.

    Kuta|πЗЯd| killed ryan with deagle.

    deadmeat : HEAL DOOD HEAL



    Fluffbuttom of Supreme Romance killed [TB] toaster648 with deagle.

    The rules change often! Be sure to check them in the MOTD!




    Fluffbuttom of Supreme Romance killed lolzdude with deagle.

    deadmeat killed OH MAI GAWD with awp.

    [xG] Terrorists can now type !lr to have a last request.

    Player: OH MAI GAWD - Damage Taken


    Damage Taken from "Guilty Trex" - 95 in 3 hits

    Damage Taken from "deadmeat" - 457 in 1 hit

    *DEAD* OH MAI GAWD : HOLY ♥♥♥♥?

    *DEAD* lolzdude : WTF

    ++ronjack++^ : !lr

    deadmeat : SRY

    deadmeat suicided.


    Here is some more, i copied off of console right where lolzdude says wtf, is the part where i get freekilled even though i had lr. so ronjack ends up getting it.


    ---------- Post added at 10:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:59 AM ----------


    guilty had also freeshot me, but at least he didn't kill me and then proceed to leave the server, he didn't slay himself but i'll leave him be.


    This does NOT count as proof. copy paste is not, and has never been, proof. it can be easily tampered with. other people dont count either, as many ppl can gang up on 1 person if they decide to get a group together. TAKE A SCREENSHOT GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ITS NOT THAT HARDDDDDDD. inb4aegeanclosesfornoproofAGAIN♥♥♥♥... -.-

  5. Started CSS after a long time of not playing it' date=' I played zombie mods like 10 hours a day, then tried jailbreak in either HG or NO3 don't remember, I kept dying and it was late at night so I joined xG's jailbreak, I met cocky, sad, trollface and rabid, and I no-lifed to first place and to co-leader <3[/quote']


    Forgot NO3...im banned from there too :3

  6. I just joined a random server, happened to be xG jailbreak. I remember Johnny was warden, colour was there along with high plains, if i remember correctly. I liked the jb mod, tried a couple other servers (hg, amity, vjb, 28rl), hated all of them, so i massed and fled till i was banned on all cept for vjb and xG. Went with xG cuz vjb is ♥♥♥ as fuuuuuu. Started making friends, and i couldnt leave :)

  7. alright ill try that but i dont think people will vouch for me sense im not that popular on forums or in game. but thanks for the info


    ---------- Post added at 11:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:43 PM ----------


    so i just tried posting in the mod submission area. said i dont have the privilege to do so. so.........whatevs


    U have to be active on the forums (100 or 200 posts or whatever it is now) were a growing clan, and need dedicated mod. Ur one of my best friends in real life, but just b patient. Like he said, good things come to those who wait. If ur active on the forums, and don't spam useless ♥♥♥♥ (which u don't), more people will get to know u, and will like u more. If u truly care about xG, and want mod to help better this fine clan, then take the time to show it. It took me awhile to get mod. If ur active on servers and forums, ull get it in no time. Just my two cents :)

  8. i definitly +1. i was in jb when he was rebanned. he raged. big time. he came back about an hour later saying "thank god i got tarin on fraps" and "i dont care, tarins getting demoted" He then proceeded to "command" me to change my name. i told him i dont have to, and that i wouldnt. then he said "im requesting it, you have to" i then said "lick my nuts :D" lol jk...i said "u dont have power over me, do NOT talk to me like that again, or u will be server banned, not just teambanned. if i wanted to, i could "request" that u change ur name back to oscar, so the other mods know who u r, and it would be a "command" He thinks hes above the rules, and believes he can disrespect any member he wants, with no consequences. He is a TERRIBLE representation of xG and does not deserve to wear our tag...