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Posts posted by Brian

  1. Well, I'm gonna go on a hunch here but-


    Decision: -1

    Activity 9/10

    Maturity 3/10


    He is very active, I'll give him that, but his maturity is very lackluster. He kept instigating arguments with a few of our members. He even went as far as to call xG a communism, which is quite hilarious to some, but utterly disgusting to others.


    ---------- Post added at 02:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:07 PM ----------


    If I see a change in your behavior, I will change it to a +1, but as of right now, no thanks.

  2. You guys do know, this was just a break. I just needed some time off. It was spring break, and I wanted to explore other servers, including hellsgamers, so I removed the tag.


    I'll be back Sunday. That's when Spring Break ends.

  3. I'm done arguing. You are a troll and nothing more. Any attempt to try to convey yourself as mature is immature. You are trying to act self-content, when in reality you are near unbearable to play with in the servers, constantly mic-spamming and yelling at other members, trolling them in the process.


    Please, refrain from making yourself seem like the mature one here, as it does not reflect your character at all.

  4. Fact of the matter is that you guys simply don't know what a troll is, so by your own definition, 80% of the community are trolls.


    I don't troll in the manner that makes people want to kill them selves. I troll mildly, and even if I do, if people are offended they just have to tell me and I'll tone it down.


    You just had a conflicted argument. Yes, many members do troll, but you troll heavily and people notice you out of all of the possible candidates. Please, stop posting about how we cannot judge you. You're not getting unbanned, considering your attitude with other members lately.

  5. Since you have been banned alongside carsN, I am a little prejudice of your nature. That being said, I believe you should remained banned, but not permanently. You should have your ban time reduced to a minimum of two weeks, instead of your current time. This way, you are given time to reconsider what you have done, with the goal of being able to play on our servers again.


    +1 on the unban request, provided his ban length is shorten to two weeks.

  6. I hope your friends find out you act like a girl on the internet & try to get a rise out of young pre-pubescent boys such as yourself.


    I don't think you have much room to state this as it adds much flame to this thread.


    In regards to your unban request, you are staying banned for quite some time. You have tried to change your account name several times, and have tried to throw us off by doing so. The best option here is to leave, and not return for quite some time. All you have done is upset a vast majority of members, and we, as a clan, do not approve. You are not obligated an apology for this "unfair" ban. This ban was completely justified in the sense that you were given multiple warnings beforehand. You went overboard, and were caught by a member, so you are banned. Please refrain from making more of these, and you will only receive negative votes in return.


    -1, as you had been warned several times, and you continued. We do not need another troll playing on the servers, not any trolls for that matter.

  7. aimg1.xenogamers.org_imported_2012_04_13.gif.c68eb5a9d38c6f0c0e3f9f3b29eae632.gifGun Game Week!


    Join the group to get the announcement automatically!

    Steam Community :: Group :: Xeno Gamers Populators


    This week is populate Gun Game Week! Everyday at 5:00 P.M., just play a little bit of gun game for an hour (or more)! We'll populate this server in no time, if we get all the members we need. Plus, if anything is wrong with the server, we'll inform silence and let him know why gun game is unpopulated , if a bug is causing the problem.


    Basic Description

    • Each player starts at level 1 with an AWP pistol.

    • Each kill of an opposing faction member earns that player one rank and a new


    • The weapons range from Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, Assault Rifle, Submachine Guns,

    Pistols, down to HE Grenade and finally the Knife at level 26.

    • A match will be played multiple rounds until one player reaches level 26.


    The Official MOTD can be found right here : General Server MOTD/Community Rules.


    ---------- Post added at 02:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:02 PM ----------


    Get to know the community better! Play a little! Have fun!

  8. In this steam group, we will populate abandoned xG servers.

    This group is intended to help populate servers on a daily basis, not every once in while like the other Xeno Gamers group.


    Steam Community :: Group :: Xeno Gamers Populators


    Remember, we populate on a daily basis, so if you're not cut out for hard work, then ignore this and move along. All you really have to do is show up for thirty minutes and play.


    If @@silence wants this removed, I'm fine with it, but other than that, yeah go ahead and join only if you want to.


    ---------- Post added at 11:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:22 PM ----------


    Join this. I will also be doing raffles for TF2 items, Full games and other stuff every other month.