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Posts posted by Smokeyyy

  1. The screenshot will provide alot of help and support, to make a final decision, the clan is getting wavy, we need to settle it down, and become more strict. (Opinion) I think that we should enforce our rules more thoroughly. Sorry if it was put the wrong way. We need to show everyone that we dont take crap from others. Btw I've seen him in Jb bout 2-3 times since I was a member from March.

  2. This literally happened about 15-20 mins. ago, It just gets annoying when a warden says One thing and does Another, NotDestroyer said: "Take a step out of our cells, then to afk freeze", then a fellow Ct asked: Should they be facing their cells", NotDestroyer replied: "Yes, they should be facing their cells"....10 seconds later....kill frenzy.

  3. I agree with all, btw, are you guys experiencing any mics issues in the Jb server. For some reason me and BillyMays, when on Ct aren't able to speak with our Mic's till 6:30, just like the T's as well, Idk if its my mic. Can you let me know whats up, and what I can do about it?

  4. My 1997 Toyota Camry LE, :DD, Old but still runs fast... Am wanting to get a subby Wrx sti, or a mitsui Evolution VIII. Btw camry is stock. Also I wouls like to bring my next car up to around 650 bhp. :P

  5. Dammm guys going hard, Can't you guys move forward...."Forgive and Forget'?? cmon now, ****, there are soo many people i dislike in the clan, but i dont start yelling and doing all this *** **** towards them. I wouldnt slay or kick, because of my personal feelings towards them (If I had powers). It comes down to being in a fun community where people laugh instead of curse. Ero and Major, you both know that **** happens all the time, you guys should both talk over this, and come to a compromise. Sounds stupid, but you guys need to stop this ****... :/

  6. Lego is decent, but it gets voted for every other 3 maps, and avalanche is good, because it had Surf, Climb, Race, Hockey, Ski, Hot potato and 4 chairs/couches, and this makes a more variety round for the ct's to choose, but yet again its only "FrLr, or simon says. fml -__-

  7. Your in-game name: (clrXg) Smokeyyy DatsiK


    Your real name: Victor Mihaila


    Age: 17


    How long have you been playing CSS: Last 5 years, mostly on and off.


    Your favorite game: Counter Strike Source, and Left for Dead 2.


    Do you have any special skills that we can use towards the community:

    Having me in the community will provide an extra mic. to help the Ct's resolve issues clearly, and I would like to add all the members on my friend's list so I can notify them about the activity in your JailBreak server.


    Arthman Sergei also recommended me to join, and he said it is a fun experience. :) I also enjoy playing with the community in the JailBreak server, it's lots of fun and I enjoy playing and giving orders, because it makes me feel like a leader.....even thought I get killed half the time xDDD