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Posts posted by Smokeyyy

  1. *****O this is funny, I havent seen, her but that doesnt mean anything. I barely get on , and when I do, it seems as if Im on Jb. Also not because shes a girl, but she looks like she knows the rules of the server already, shes probably knows more about cs;s than me, she doenst look like a person that would end up ****ing us over.

  2. I'm leaving as well, this server was fun at the start around march, then it went downfall like a stock market, and it seems like its going to stay there for a while. Im not raging or trolling, but the mods and admins, were rarely on during the day in the Jb server, everytime I would ask an admin for help, the only one that would respond would be Billy Mays or PapiChulo. The respect in the clan is very low, people yelling and cursing each other out for silly stuff, and when there were massive freekillers, hackers it took us about 5-10 minutes to get a mod in the server to say "I didn't see it, so I can't do anything about it" Like honestly the server is filled everyday with about 30-40 people per day, and about everyone in there is complaining, yet you have to say that, then those freekillers come back and do the same EXACT thing, and they get a kick, -__-, its like if I were to have a server, they would never see sight of it again. Admins/Mods, you guys need to stop *****ing at each other over a faking game, chill out grow some balls and move along, "Omg why did you slay me", "You freekilled", and it goes on and on, its like ****, you miss 1 round, at most a 1/2 a round, and you have the tendency to put up a thread on admin abuse....MOVE ALONG. I mean I can compare this clan to the economy, its like its trying to get better but its still stuck, its slowly progressing. Anyways sorry If I hurt you feelings, but you guys need to man up, its a VIDEO GAME you're playing, you're supposed to have fun and laugh with friends. Take care guys, I hope to see this clan still alive by 2012 summer. Stop taking it so seriously, have fun. Dont take life serious, you're not gonna get out alive, same **** with game.

  3. Not really, you just gotta want it more than anyone else, you just need a good mindset, and a pair of strong legs. I can guarantee you that if a 5'2" white man were to fight a 6'0" black man, you would think the black guy would win, not necessarily, if you have the mindset that you're gonna win, then you will, its not about how they look or act, its about the mindset. You're probably saying its bullShiii but its true.

  4. I doubt any of you guys know/like me, but I am here to stay. I like the ups and downs of the clan, it makes everything an adventure and interesting. I put up this thread because I start school Sept.8th, but am playing soccer on a daily basis. If you guys play any sports, for the past 3 weeks we've been having 2-Adays from 8:30-11 conditioning and then from 3:30-6:30 regular ****. I would like to play at night but I come home tired and fatigued. I might be able to randomly get on from now and then, but school is coming, and I wanna focus on soccer because I've been playing since I was about 6 or 7. I might hop on just to talk and get on forums to see whats going on, but I'm not going to play as much as I did. Take care, keep it real, however you guys take it as. ****, add me on Fb : Victor Mihaila , I'm in a picture with a bunch of people on grass by a lake. Keep it touch, looking forward to my junior year to come to an end already. :p, Just Pm me to let me know who you are if I get a bunch of random adds on Fb. Have fun guys, keep the clan intact, I hope to still be able to play in the crazy JailBreak server when I get on later this year. :)



    P.s- Oh yea ummmm...............Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.