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Posts posted by Smokeyyy

  1. I reinstalled all my stuff on my laptop, because I was getting 300 ping on xG Jailbreak, so yea. I'l be on mostly at nights and weekends, I was out for about a month, I was busy with Hs soccer, we came to the quarterfinals, lost by an offside goal -__-. But yea the point is that I'll be on a lil bit more. Game is very addicting after not playing for a month. See you guys online! :)

  2. May all the lives lost Rest In Peace. Btw I dont understand why americans were so happy they killed Osama Bin Laden, it took you about a whole century to find 1 guy, just 1, and these ing americans are chanting "USA" thinking we won some , there is no accomplishment, the war is far from over, and people are still being killed on a daily basis, civilians, innocent kids, and Us soldiers.

  3. I feel ya never, I always get freekilled and noone ever seems to do about it, like now cariss is basically saying dont and gtfo if you dont like the clan. I would stay however. I <3 Haters. :)

  4. Hot damn, you dont have a life, you come back so quick, refreshing the page. :) Probably the reason I cant spell or type a constructive paragraph is because I moved to american was I was about 8, so this meant/means i've only been in american for about 10 years, learning for about 9. I am 17, turning 18 in November, so close to it. But Im just mad when people do that favoritism , or when people disrespect others in the clan, (Yes i know, I just did), but I still dont undserstand why kids take this game so serious, Like its a GAME. lol, Go outside play something, go with your friends and do stupid things. I know you dont care, but in europe we didnt have no computer, tv, ac, or any of this technology that these 3rd gen. american kids are born with at there hands. Im just saying when you play games you should have fun, not getting mad. I was just upset he was kicked because if you got to know rex, hes a cool guy, but if you didnt so well, he might've treated you otherwise. But yea I understand now why it happened for a reason, Lots of ppl told me. I apologize, I was just mad. Just wanted to stick up for a friend.

  5. God damn you kids have no social life whatsoever, if you honestly believe I watch naruto or whatever that is, think twice, if you think I give 2 Shits what you or anyone says think twice, jay your word means to me, I could careless what you have to say, cause a video game is a video game, i dont care if I get banned or kicked, I rarely play anyway, If you take this to offense then you must have your panties in a bunch. Dute in pula mei de handicapt prostueli de american nenrochiti ce yesti, sa te fute in gura astas si meine. sa te duci in morti miti de pula mei de copil prost ce yeste. :), This is why I love knowing 2 languages fluently. Honestly go ahead and ban me if your mad. Wont change for me, but jay you need to Ctfu, you about everything, you're still in this clan because this clan and the server in-game on Jb is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Favoritism and everyone knows that. There is no equality or fairness in the server. LOL FAIL.

  6. Bottom line he shouldnt of been kicked out. He a nice guy, might've been a douche if you dont know him. Hes like a new friend you meet, ♥♥♥ at first but the best at the end.

  7. I guess you have a point, but he didnt seem as annoying as oreo or jay, no offense I just find them annoying to me. (Opinion) Jay is a ♥♥♥♥, and oreo porbably micspammed more than rex could have ever.

  8. I guess, but regardless, when you play you should have fun, if people put up member abuse and stuff like that, looks like they take it too personal, like cmon it a video game.. lol?

  9. You faktards are so stupid, you ♥♥♥♥♥ at your own members and how they troll, when I guarantee you that Jay has no ♥♥♥♥ing life whatsoever, so he ♥♥♥♥♥es about everything. 1. Didn't jay leave xG and yet he still puts up threads about some kids having fun. 2. Honestly this clan is getting to become something else when members put up threads of each other abusing or trolling. 3. If you come back and have something to say, honestly go grab a life and leave the kid alone, What the ♥♥♥♥ are video games meant for...Fun??? Gtfo, stop disrespecting and putting up stupid threads for stupid reason. I can tell you that I can give 2 $hits about what you or anyone has to say, it does not take any reaction or offense to me, You can kick me out aswell, idc, but this is getting irritating. I can tell that there are even more annoying guys that rex, he was fun and awesome, and was in the clan longer than half the people in this clan. Hop off, and go have fun, do something with your life, lolol, and if you comment about how I dont have a life then, think twice, I play about 2-3 times a week for about 1.5 hrs.