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Posts posted by Smokeyyy

  1. I wanna join, I was saying we should do "Day in the life of Xeno Gamers", Then go about talking about different servers and make it funny by dieing certain ways, idk, I would Say do it on Cs;s because everyone has that but yea. (Just an Idea) Hope I'm not late...

  2. Problem is anyone can join ct.

    Usally ends up half the ct team having downz.

    Set up camp. Get your awp. And watch.

    It will all unfold in front of you.

    This is true, and gets really annoying when you're warden and you get killed by a bomb or usp, and it takes the other ct's a long time to realize you either dead, or to find and kill the rebel.

  3. ♥♥♥♥♥ the funny part is that he actually did punch her, she was asking for it, "be a man" **looks down, then straight at her face, then grits teeth** HEADSHOT, muthalovvvvvasss!!

  4. Sorry for this retarded thread, but I wanna known If I can donate with a Visa card, then ones loaded with $ 50, in other words can I donate using those cards that I buy from a Jewel, or Walgreens?? If so then I can be able to donate a $ 50 everyone now and then. :)

  5. Now dont say im Ignorant but this war will never end, government has been so corrupt for the past decades, it will never change, dont get your hopes up thinking ALL the troops are coming home.. (thats what we would all like, even myself) but dam, blame the government

  6. I brought my Economics grade from a 61 (D) to a 75 © from 1 assignment, it was a take home test, was a 29 out of 90 got a 80 of 90. :D screw hs, didnt they say its supposed to fun?? fml act's this year -___-