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Posts posted by Smokeyyy

  1. Regardless, a goat getting *** ****ed is beyond digusting, majorB has proven a point that he can get a naked girl getting ****ed by a horse in a painting, yet it seems to be alright, regardless you guys should just told him to change the spray, and if he didnt comply you then kick him, **** do you guys always ***** at each other?? Does it end? at all? Stop ****ing argueing for retarded reasons.

  2. Dude soiarn do you have anything else to ***** about? You dont have proof or evidence that it happened, I myself say Papi is a good mod. because he does exactly what he was told by silence in the admin handbook he is given, man.

  3. No disrespect, but you need to shut your goddamn mouth, 1. Your freekill, 2. Your mic sucks, 3. You're a terrible warden and you lie bunch of times, I wish I had recorded what you do, for god sakes, that is nowhere near abusing or annoying, hes having fun, letting people vote for shits and giggles, right before you become warden, and yet you have the tendancy to make a thread about a good admin/moderator?? Smh -__-, you need to watch what you do before you comment about other people.

  4. Curfew...hell to the **** no :D




    New Chicago curfew rules go into effect


    I got fined $500 bucks, and got an *** beating AND put in jail overnight, when I was 13, I was playing soccer with bunch of friends. :(

    The police of Chicago are something else, instead of finding the muderers, killers, rapists, drug dealers, they tend to go for us because they know we wont harm them, bunch of fags. Feel free to look at the links, They are voting for a 12 and under curfew tommarrow, so it reminded me of this. :p

  5. Cmon jayy

    Text: Smokeyyy Bearrr


    Colors: Red, grey, blue, yellow, orange, etc, what ever looks good.


    Images (if any): tresss (on fire) surrounding the original mr.smokey bear in smoke


    Siggy or Avatar; Signature if it the thing at bottom.

  6. Text: Smokeyyy Bearrr


    Colors: Red, grey, blue, yellow, orange, etc, what ever looks good.


    Images (if any): tresss (on fire) surrounding the original mr.smokey bear in smoke


    Siggy or Avatar; Signature if it the thing at bottom.

  7. I understand everybody is feelings different, I respect it, thebog, make it rain on dem hoes, if you get me. otherwordly, keep it real, and aegean, lmao, get a better mic, hope you guys enjoy the rest of gaming/ doing other things. :P