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Everything posted by Colour

  1. Colour

    Occupy Pub

    I was in this before it went mainstream #hipster
  2. I was there at the time lissa and unique were "talking <3<3<3<3 about sgtblu" and I will explain the story. Sound fair? Me, Unique, lissa, and sgtblu were playing 2v2 on the Pub server. I suppose lissa and sgtblu have had issues in the past, because they were generally snappy at each other the entire time. Lissa continues to say "yo yo yo sgtblu yo mic quality is pretty dank in a bad way man u needa get new shits to make up for that shits" (I'm paraphrasing). She only tells him to get a new microphone because she can not understand what he was trying to say. Sgtblu says "at least i'm not a man pretending to be a girl....you're such a troll" Once this is said, lissa goes insane. I will admit that she went a bit out of hand, but only trying to defend herself. She starts saying "♥♥♥♥ you blah blah blah you're always such a ♥♥♥♥ to me what's wrong with you" (paraphrasing). They go back and forth about lissa being a man, and sgtblu being a troll. They both threaten each other with records of the incident and harassment, whether it be screenshots or a demo. LISSA REALIZED WHAT SHE WAS DOING WAS IMMATURE AND SHE CUT IT OUT. SHE FULLY STOPPED WITH ALL OF THE NAME-CALLING AND SNIPPY SNAPPY. Sgtblu continues though, even though after being told by me and Unique to stop. He continuously calls lissa a troll, bringing it up at random times. I finally say "seriously sgtblu just leave. you're being a superdbagloserface" He leaves, and after a minute rejoins under the name "Cow ^_^". In private admin chat, he told me to ask about what lissa and unique thought of him. Thinking it was duckii asking me to do this (being called in by sgtblu) I go ahead and do it. ME, unique, and lissa are all recalling that sgtblu was being a really big jerk. They were not really talking behind is back, but rather in his ear while he was just looking the other way. Sgtblue comes out of hiding and continues on with "♥♥♥♥ you i've got proof now blah blah blah cya" and leaves. Overall, Lissa and Sgtblu both started the fight. Neither one of them is to blame alone on beginning it. Although, Lissa realized half-way through that it was stupid and stops. Sgtblu was being very immature and kept going, which included being rude and saying he had proof. I think sgtblue is more to blame here than lissa. ask them two, yo. P.S. : Sorry, rushed through typing it because it's midnight and I have school in 7 hours. Spelling/grammar/composition may not be the best. Stay classy. ---------- Post added at 11:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 PM ---------- bt dubs homies unique had no part in it other than saying "yeah man that was kind of rude" (paraphrasing)
  3. Don't remember this. Lmao.... (<3) Anywho. I didn't even ASK these people and they put my name in....? Well shucks, thanks guys. +1 to rabid lololjk +1 to Mohammad and his climb-every-day policy.
  4. Colour

    I'm leaving

    Ooohhh shiiiiiittttt! lololol
  5. Colour


    Thanks! I was a mod about two months ago, but I ended up leaving xG due to boredom of the game and leadership problems that were happening at that time. I have started playing more again and I think I could still be a pretty good mod :).
  6. Colour


    Thanks everyone :) Means a lot to me. Thinking about joining or not.
  7. Colour

    Dubstep Dance!

    HOLY ♥♥♥♥ AEGEAN I LOOVE YOUUU. That was awesome. I really enjoyed that, and unlike those comments ^^^^ I would love to critique you (like i'm assuming you wanted? you said above that you would read the criticism and make a v2!) I really liked it, but I felt it was very unispeedular. Yes, I made that word up. The entire dance seemed to be at one constant speed, and I think it would be much cooler if you could switch it up, add a slow-motion bit or whatever; it just needs a bit more variety. Also, I don't know if it was intentional or not... but I liked the webcam focusing in and out every now and then. It just felt like it belonged there, made it seem unique. GG :D
  8. so where is the choice for it to be fired at Mexico? Hmmm?!
  9. Colour


    I don't see why he wasn't promoted without the thread lull +1 edit : if you know....mine...counts... :P
  10. I was bored at 3am on a Wednesday morning. I had already beaten the main quest-line and gotten to level 50 legitimately, so I thought "why not make a character with level 100 on every skill with the best weapon and armor?" "Yeah cool. i'll make that" I proceed to make said character with console commands. In less than 10 minutes I have everything I wanted. But for some reason (mainly because I was so tired) I felt as if I REALLY needed the main quest-line completed on this character before it was really finished. Not wanting to complete the thing again so soon, I look for a command to do it. I, in my tired state, think this would work: "caqs - Complete all Quest Stages" I assume it means it will only complete the quests you currently have. I decide it's worth it to just type it in over and over. Apparently it does not complete just the quests you have, but instead every single quest in the entire game. Yeah, that's right. Some people are like "why is this such a bad thing?" Well............. It may not be the most intense thing for some people, but I know others like myself are achievement hunters. For all of the quests being completed, this included the completion of all of the achievements that are measured with quest status. Yeah, FML. There goes lots of things I was working towards..... please don't do what I did /cry /cry /cry. screw console commands /cry
  11. Colour


    Xavien marry me. I'll divorce Daniel for you. <3
  12. Colour


    Haha don't be sorry, I know the conditioning and have posted this regardless due to the slight chance that I may be able to get it without being in xG. I understand completely! Sadly, I do not think I will be applying for a membership either way..... It's just not my calling. I'm trying to help the community without having to commit to it as much as I was before.
  13. Colour


    I understand your reasons, thank you for contributing what you could with your personal feelings out! :)
  14. Colour


    Thank you Daniel! Also, ahead of time. Yes I will be thanking every person who +1's or -1's, I do care that they were nice enough to put in their opinions. It is helping the cause.
  15. Colour

    am i still a member

    I guess I don't get the joke :'(
  16. Colour


    Thanks Mohammad I appreciate your feedback. :)
  17. Colour


    Member Name: Colour In-Game Name: Colour What game?: CSS Member: No Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:42239074 Age: Physically - 15, Mentally - 36 Donated: Yes Other information: I am not in xG, as stated above. I had left xG about a month or two ago, and have just recently started playing again. I admit to barely helping the community lately and know that I will probably not increase my activity; this is purely to moderate the servers when I myself go to them. Some people see this as very selfish, but is that not the best reason to get it? I will moderate what I can, to the best of my abilities. Many of you are probably questioning the legitimacy of this post, but I can assure you that it is real. It is unlike Aaron in many ways. I do want powers to help with what I can. I strongly urge people who have had bad experiences with me in the past to set aside personal hatred of me and focus/vote on my ability to moderate. Yes, this does mean I may abuse my powers ever so often. Just as any sane mods do ;) Sleep on it.
  18. Colour

    Plugin Ideas

    I vote we do not take suggestions from someone who would even dare to say "an plugin."
  19. I personally hate blink-182. Hate them more than any other band/artist in the world, including negr0-wayne and that stupid c|_|nt with the super bass song. I do not even care to know her name. ---------- Post added at 01:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:16 PM ---------- But if you like them, that's great Poncher! Really nice banner, looks awesome :D
  20. Name: Real name - Sean Michael McBride III In-Game - Any of the following: Colour, Rachel, Black Cat, Moose, Niggards, I hate all of you niggards. How Long You Have Been Playing: Release date, BRO! How you would rate your skill from 1 - 10: 10 On a good day, 1 on a bad day. (You know how I doooo!) Do You Have A Mic(And willing to use it): I am not willing to not use it. Have you ever had scrim team experience before: ♥♥♥♥ yeh man! Why should we accept you: On top of being great at the game, some people do consider me to be a reincarnation of Ryan Dunn. So there's that. Attention: Please Read!: I am posting this application to be a backup member. I am not playing this game nearly as much as I used to, so I will not be ready/willing to do every scrim possible. I was thinking if there were ever any times where the team would like to do a scrim, but is missing a person, I could just jump in. I could be the go-to guy if someone is needed due to an absence.
  21. Let me tell YOU something. We knew, hehe.
  22. I'm bisexual. This guy is ♥♥♥♥ing beautiful - Oh wait that's not a secret lolololol
  23. Colour


    Quarantine it's been a long time, how are you? I can understand your disliking of me due to things done in the past, but I don't understand why you would call me an attention whore like this. I have done nothing that can even be classified as rude towards you. You were one of my favorite people in xG of whom I did not have contact with. Seeing your forum posts and great attention to xG without even playing the servers really said something about you. I wish not that we are enemies. Instead, brothers. Poncherr shhhh hah ;) wink only for yoouuuuuuu! Noobieboobie doobiesoobie goober IM A GOOFY GOOBER! Carissimi you would not realize how great it is for me to hear that. I will always share a bond with you, and our same love for MLP. BTW Rarity is bestest tehe :3 Lol Mr. 'I left like 6 times' <3 voicechat me. And finally it gets to David. Hi David.