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Everything posted by Colour

  1. I hate to be a negative Nancy but why in gods name does it say this: scarecrow: member to CSS moderator Uh what. Edit: oops oops, didnt reload my page for like 30 minutes didnt see all of the new posts. Aha. it has been resolved nice
  2. I think I speak on the behalf of everyone when I say "Shut the fuck up" I personally loved this. That was so much fun!
  3. Colour

    Tazers suck D:

    Yeah exactly, but like I said, there is no way for US to know who is doing the tazing (besides watching for it). Maybe if people said "FREETAZER: [name]" then we could do something. damn snoopy.
  4. Colour

    Tazers suck D:

    Can we please get rid of these tazers? I have not once seen them used for good/getting rid of a T with guns. I have ONLY seen them being used for freeshooting/messing around. And well, it's almost impossible to tell which CT is doing it because EVERY SINGLE CT types in !tazer at the beginning of the round. If anyone can we get like a 2-tazer-per-round limit or something similar? thx thx PS: if there was already a thread about this, sorry i didnt see. didnt see one in general or css discussion ;o
  5. Colour

    I <3 Doors.

    Um. Yes. Did you take a look at the T side....? Idk if you are trolling or what, if so bad troll noob noob. ---------- Post added at 03:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:26 PM ---------- And how the **** was there 64 rounds... I am so confused
  6. Be safe, have fun, stay cool brohskie.
  7. Colour

    Mod disrespecting?

    No mods/admins PAY for their powers (unless it is a very HEFTY donation, which I don't even know about), we get the promotions from being devoted to the clan, and knowing what decisions to make at certain times. I will have a talk with goon/the others and make sure we aren't getting too power hungry. Some may be saying "Hey, colour, man you are a **** to me and you ban me for being mean to you" well thats irrelevant and ignore that >.>
  8. Colour

    I'm Sorry

    This pretty much sums up how I feel about or relationship: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZ5TajZYW6Y You're like a teddy bear and I love all teddy bears :3
  9. Colour

    Server Removal

    Uh excuse me, why is there no option to remove the jailbreak? I choose that. Also, I think we should keep the Sliderace and multigames. We DEFINITELY need to add more maps to the multigames, that is the only problem with it. it would be much more enjoyable with real minigames. As for the rats/christmas, I honestly say combine them and keep the maps, but just add more, including regular assault/office/dust.
  10. Colour

    Mod disrespecting?

    I'm 90% sure i'm above the law....
  11. Ugh ban him, totally true. King J's brother.
  12. Colour

    Funny thread

    Uh yeah what he said.
  13. Colour

    Hippity Hop

    Yay. Now shun the zmod and christmas. Shun.
  14. Colour


    you record it? show the recording punk, totally legit. or lets 1v1 again. i can beat you any time any where except the next 2 years because i am busy :/
  15. Colour


    you uhh did that too, i was getting to that next.
  16. Colour


    BABY BACK BULLLLSHITTTT ROAWR, where it says 5 and 13, it's actually 8 and 10 because i accidentally hit my "kill key" multiple times you know? :(
  17. Colour

    King J

    ^^^ This may be true, but the thing that really pissed me off is the disrespect. You HAVE indeed been less-annoying lately, but you're still a complete ashole. I'm a MODERATOR and you are allowed to be rude to me (ontop of mic-spamming) and you get barely any punishment?
  18. I play on a laptop and it runs this game perfectly fine lol. I get a constant 150 fps which is just enough to truly make a difference.... and gg it was like a 600 dollar laptop, stop being poor go get one! duhh
  19. Colour

    King J

    This is completely your opinion, I wouldn't go as far as calling the thread itself a fail. There has been many responses that have been +1s to ban. I was simply putting out my opinion, that this man makes my playing annoying as *****. I play this game to relax, then he instantly ruins it. It's not JUST me. Ask around the server and you will realize that probably lots of people think this guy is out of control. If he is causing discomfort for so many people (whether or not he isn't annoying SOME people), why should he be allowed to be on...?
  20. Colour

    King J

    I'll tale this as a +1, amirite?
  21. Colour

    King J

    Well I thought you knew :/ now can permaban? lol
  22. Colour

    King J

    Then ask him yourself, I sent everyone in-game a link to the thread then closed the chat, THEN he sent me that. then i took a screenshot boom boom you got itt? and i'm not kidding i will kill myself lol. i guess people want me dead. cool
  23. Colour

    King J

    [ATTACH]285.vB[/ATTACH] 10char10char10char
  24. Colour

    King J

    Member Name: NullByte Player's Name: King J Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:38167054 Ban Request Reason: This guy is literally #1 on my list of xG members that I hate. Literally EVERY single round on jailbreak he is mic-spamming, talking over warden, and just overall being annoying as ****. He is rude to EVERYBODY, often telling people (including mods/admins) to "suck my ****". I have warned him at LEAST 250 times to stop doing whatever it is he is doing; and he continues it. I've honestly asked duckii if I can permanently ban him and she said no for some reason. I'm creating this to see other member's opinions. Edit: i'd just like to say that this was made at roughly 4am and i was tired as hell and stop making fun of me :( but still he needs to learn some respect lol.