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Everything posted by Colour

  1. Colour

    Black Cat

    Clearly they were the most SERIOUS and undeniably important rules in the motd. Idk how I sleep at night, to be honest.
  2. Colour

    Black Cat

    I demand this guy's judgement to not be taken into consideration. I have posted an admin abuse thread about him, so it is clear that he is already bias on the situation. Isn't he the one that created roughly 50 useless threads in the random section? I don't see why he has forum privileges. (lol) Also, could it maybe be this? http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/577804497445699014/79141C947404D2E4F1E09D14F2FB0F8D62E44778/ 20 for black cat 12 for kb shooter. kbshooter was the #1 option, so subtract 7 of those due to 1spammers.
  3. Colour

    Black Cat

    LOL I LOVE THIS! I asked the terrorist if he had a problem with it, and he did not say he had any issues. I can not control other people's minds (contrary to the common belief) so surely I did not make other counter-terrorists to do it. Everyone can simply tell me in this forum if my baiting is truly out of control, and I will hand down my position to a newer member that clearly has a better understanding of the rules. Thank you. Edit: fixing counter-terrorist/terrorist typo
  4. This isn't a reason to -1.
  5. If he doesn't get accepted, leaving xG. Now duckii!
  6. I want every single hat pack, anyone mind donating for me?
  7. Colour


    I'll explain what exactly happened: Someone called warden (not soiarn) and said "take a step out of your cell, face your cell, and afk freeze" everyone did this. Soiarn comes and kills me for not being "afk" when I most clearly was. He then goes to a cell next to me. Someone at the same cell orders "alright take a few steps back, so i can get into the cell" (or something along the lines of that) and soiarn kills all 3 or 4 people for following that order. then I ct ban soiarn for 30 minutes for freekilling me/those other people.
  8. Colour


    Either way, that's some total ****ing ********. (excuse my language) if motd didnt say "you cant order t's to jump off of cliffs to their death" and one did, which killed all but 1 rebel, would you follow it? yeahkk cool.
  9. Colour


    I'm treating you completely fairly, considering I have explained it to you MORE THAN 3 TIMES and you continue to complain, and even take it to the forums. And if it was a different non-warden telling them to move, the one who gave the order should be killed. Not the T's... The ct that wasn't warden tarped. And not to mention you still freekilled me, I was afk frozen lol.
  10. Colour


    I was one of them, they were afk frozen, they were following orders. It is 30 minutes. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. I've explained this to you multiple times.
  11. Colour


    Judas, are you some kind of god? You know the plan. I couldnt agree any more with this: "Every week we're getting three more mods, then three more mods, then three more mods, with no demotions being passed around to compensate. Everybody's mod now! In fact, being mod isn't even cool anymore, since you can't walk three feet without tripping over twenty of them, so much so that I've seen several mods remove their tags on a regular basis simply because they don't care about being recognized as an admin; after all, there's twenty others on the server, just go bother one of them."
  12. You guys are fucking terrible trolls.
  13. Colour

    Need help.

    when in doubt, buy new computer. yay
  14. Colour

    Mics cutting out?

    Yeah, everyone's mic is cutting out. They aren't really lagging, they are honestly cutting out to the point where no one can hear them. I gave orders, repeated the orders at LEAST 9 times and no one heard them (unbeknoweth to me) so i ended up freekilling like 50000 people. Yeah.
  15. Colour

    Vero's inactivity.

    LOOOOOOOOLLLL OHHHH SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Vero..... sir..... you dont hate me for being a nerd do you? ;O anyways, hi. My name is Sean and it is nice to meet the real you. Um yeah go play minecraft. VERY low system requirements. jb is getting pretty...you know... ehhhh
  16. Colour


    +1 lol he's annoying and is obviously a troll ---------- Post added at 08:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:48 PM ---------- lol serbian dont just do exactly what other peoples do. with THIS MANY requests, proof is unnecessary
  17. Colour


    Eh-hem highlight my post cough cough
  18. Colour


    -1 trolls too much and is generally a mean person. loljk +1 of course
  19. Colour


    Thank you. Practically ALL of these need to be applied to kb, is what i'm saying. He gets butthurt (like Oreo said : "Abuse Description: He sucks at controlling himself when he has power, no one trusts him with it. He provokes people and then pulls off the admin disrespect card, then instead of mute slay ban he just kicks them out of the server." I know he is a new mod, but I think me and others learned how to (Atleast somewhat) use our powers for good in the first day lol.
  20. Colour


    Eh :/ I know he has no proof with this, but I think almost EVERYONE can still vouch for this. I personally love kb, I think he's a really cool guy. He just isn't the best with mod............ Ok I lied, he is REALLY bad at it. I don't mean to throw these people under a bus; but hudson, billy, herpes, microsoft, and the list goes on. We've all talked about his position... We don't think it's working.... ---------- Post added at 06:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:01 PM ---------- Edit: i'm really mean :( <3 you kb................
  21. Hopefully Selby died..... I mean what? oh thats weird i wonder where he is.
  22. Colour


    Or I got held back a lot........?
  23. Colour

    oh yeah

    Lol ok bye ---------- Post added at 09:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:30 PM ---------- Keep in touch!
  24. Colour


    May 12, 1987
  25. Colour


    Ugh noob..