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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Foxxy

  1. 10 bucks or i lag serverz nao
  2. Foxxy


    H8rs. OH GOD MY SPIDERMAN PICTURE WON'T POST. Ugh fine, "Napoleon of the West" Santa Anna.
  3. My ass produces some good bass
  4. Foxxy

    One year at xG!

    3 days overdue, I guess I forgot! Looking forward for more times with you queers, oldfags and newfags!
  5. How about you just stream yourself dancing. Naked.
  6. Sorry but um... Why are you guys giving him plus ones again? Truth be told I like him, he's a cool and funny guy. But he has a temper and it's an easy gauge to fill, he argues and can just be a total ass to anybody. Not to mention he has a snide attitude towards admins (I get it, you get mad but keep it to yourself). So -1 I haven't been on a lot lately but I'm pretty sure you're still the same anyways.
  7. Alright first of all. Hey, fuck you haters. Okay the reason I've been gone a lot is cause my internet has been really messed up lately (And Diablo3, but that's a guilty pleasure). My ping is usually around 60, but lately it's been going up to 1000+. I've checked for viruses or infections and nothing. I'm on wireless and I'm completely clueless, halp!?
  8. I abuse all the time
  9. Foxxy

    Diablo 3

    I actually decided to roll a monk instead and loving it, I'm already level 10 and kicking ass. Add me if you have it, my battletag is hysoka#1251
  10. Foxxy


    I can personally recommend Newegg.com/ca. GREAT prices, deliveries are usually on time and there's almost always no hassle. TigerDirect is excellent too I hear, I can't say that from my own experience but they're still worth a try.
  11. -1 He's white, I don't like white people. Naw I'm just kidding (Not about the white part though). Anyways I always see him on and he's always a pretty chill guy and he knows what he's doing. Very mature, very active and he's well-known and received by the community. There's no white text, stop highlighting.
  12. We have the same exact video card (Sapphire and all) No problems with mine so it's probably your drivers, make sure you download from AMD/Catalyst all the time.
  13. Foxxy

    xG memories

    Dat nigguh Birrryyyy
  14. I'm assuming it's a zombie mod Actually looks interesting, shame I have to pay 40$ to play it >.>
  15. Foxxy

    Abortion, Y/N?

    While I do agree, some people can easily turn that around and say something like "Oh so you support suicide too?".
  16. Foxxy

    Diablo 3

    Rolling a Barb/Monk and rushing them to 60, fuck story!
  17. Take your time kid, a month, a year or two... I think I can speak for everyone when I say we'll all be waiting for you. You still mah nigga, we haven't 1v1'd yet so that's my reason to wait for your return ;) As always, life before xG. #YOLO.... Just kidding, but I'll miss you man :(
  18. Foxxy

    Abortion, Y/N?

    Alright this might stir up a reckoning but I felt like asking. You might find this hard to believe but I actually once got in an argument so heated about it, that the opposition actually punched me in the face (And she hits hard, believe me). Her point was that all life should be valued and that a couple shouldn't be having unprotected sex anyways. My counter-argument was that people make mistakes, that some people just aren't ready. I said that it should be acceptable to a certain extent, for example: - The mother/family isn't ready - Isn't financially possible But getting say five abortions after having so much intercourse should be restricted. Again her point is that an unborn baby is still a living, and shouldn't be stopped from enjoying life. Which spawns another typical debate of one side never giving way to the other (In a way I do agree with her, I just don't agree 100%). So what do you guys think? Do you support Abortion? Do you think it's wrong? Bring whatever views you may have. (Religious, scientific, cultural, etc.) Just don't flame each other. :)
  19. Foxxy

    Diablo 3

    Who's getting it? What class do you plan to play? And fuck you if you're not.
  20. Foxxy

    Calm Thyself

    McNeo for a proper admin position
  21. Foxxy


    Alright how do you people deal with it? How do you occupy yourselves for the time being to forget the past? Blah blah cheesy I know, but I keep remembering things which lead to other things and it's complete madness.