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Posts posted by JakeImpossibru

  1. Can we please get fish in the barrel back its a fun game and a easy way to get rid of ts if another ct sprays a clip inside the "barrel" he/she will be slayed?

    and only a m4 can be used for this game please reply if you think that this is a good idea thanks!!!

  2. I don't have think anyone has a problem with any of these layer they follow the rules they might be retarded sometimes but still they are good member.

    Besides this clan is run by kids :D


    ---------- Post added at 08:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:52 PM ----------


    Btw why the **** are you sticking up for zapper he trolled our own servers screaming and fighting with fellow xG members he has no right to do so.

    Even if it is a joke or not I still think that this 10 year old is another kid.

  3. I remember when first joined broke many of the rules and yet people kept on giving him chances I trolled him a little and then all of a sudden he gets banned

    from forums from trolling Aegean... Kinda sad I actually stood up for him I never even had any idea he was doing this kind of stuff :(

  4. I get on CSS today get on [xG] JB and zapper takes warden he actually asks the ts to critisize him and insult. Then he started reading out the texts and

    reading them alowd. Then he decides to do a joke day and being a @sshole he calls me up first I obviously don't know any jokes but we go on while i'm

    thinking of one as soon as I get up there he tells me I have 10 seconds. When I don't have one I rebel and knife Soiran in the butt! He then kills me and calls me a complete ****** and tells me to go kill myself and never come back to the clan. What i'm witnessing is that he is disrespecting anyone he wants.

  5. I'm tired of this, i can't armory camp as a t i'm told by admins why? Ct's spawn their at the beginning at the round and their are vents that lead to armory.

    Can we please just get it back I don't see no point of this rule its ********, btw the vent camping the vent camping for ts I understand but the only map I see this rule of any use is lockdown.


    Finally I wanna say i'm constantly being told that OH YOUR KOREAN YOU PLAY STARCRAFT. It IS racism and it IS anoyying can we please stop this please!


  6. Just a quick question about the forums is the baiting now legal and if you are in knifing distance from a t he can knife you without being shot just a

    question real quick, i've been hearing a lot of commotion about this lately.

    THANKS!!! :D