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Posts posted by JakeImpossibru

  1. Member Name: Korean


    Player's Name: C R 7


    Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:21538140


    Ban Request Reason: I said that the guy gunplanted me then tragik told im to slay himself, afterwards he shot every t with a pump shotty and then left afterwards.

  2. Member Name: Korean


    Player's Name: (TKC) HandsOfJesus38


    Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:25140519


    Ban Request Reason: Fing on lr mass fk, terrorist comes and follows him on a freeday (without attempting or knifing him) he kills them for no reason.

    (Judas was on atm)

  3. you really should know not to gunspam in the first place crashing the server isn't the best thing to do, but if you didn't know its ok. Don't do it again :)

  4. Member Name: Korean


    Player's Name: Sinister Sith (MUSIC)


    Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:14328776


    Ban Request Reason: Mass fk Age= 8 Clan member asked to him to slay himself he ignored them and said fuck you and kept on doing what he wanted

  5. Umm well I got my grades up in school which i'm very pleased about but I must say

    I know how Silence feels when he's running this server in the school time a while back and pretty hard to get on with all that stuff

    going and work and all with me its even more stressful so yay! Not leaving forever but yea Silence I know how you feel :/ gotta ask

    how do you do it?

  6. Sadly I must leave xG for a period of time idk how long but I must for reason I wish not too introduce, I wish all xG members and

    friends of mine in xG the best of luck have fun! I'll see you guys in the fall :D

    <3Colour <3Vero <3Herpes <3Qaurantine <3Callim <3Mr.Duck <3Charlie <3Microsoft <3SGTBLU <3Otherworldy <3Penguin <3Papi



    (I might possibly leave xG forever)


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgvK78jHUnA song gets me.

  7. I don't see a problem with the muting being taken away but the problem is their are, like glitchers who would talk before 6:30 in JB

    and sometimes their would be little kids with squeaky voices which is irritating and all admins/mods can do is tell them too shutup

    and not to talk again and is reasonable but the problem is sometimes they don't and admins/mods have to resort to kicking then they

    come back and complain :/


    (And does !gag substitute muting or just text messaging?)

  8. Truly IDK why I unfriended you people hate you because of bad warden. And yes I was told this personally from a whole LOT of people!

    Now I will repeat this if you guys please get people too stop disliking him for being bad warden he doesn't know all the rules yet give him

    a chance. Soiran sorry for unfriending can you forgive me possibly I would appreciate it but yea i'll do my best too get people off your


  9. See the problem I have with him is when he freekills and he doesn't recognize it his accent I cannot understand I think that an admin

    or someone should reason with him or something so people can stop trolling him aand isn't that kind of racist? Making fun of people's


  10. This Soiran guy in many people's people opinion shouldn't even be on cts I can't understand his accent and he freekills all the time he got so annoying I removed him from my friends list BTW can ct's go inside vents if they're open and they never saw a T go in i'm a little confused.

  11. Member Name: Korean


    Player's Name: mol [RUS]


    Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:39844317


    Ban Request Reason: Mass fk in game for more than 3 maps, and is Arabian NO ENGLISH w/ high ping 200+