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Everything posted by Mykhol

  1. ^then give it to duckiijr you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
  2. sorry carisimi D:, i gave everyone an hour...i feel bad cuz 2 of my lovers missed out.... i love you duckiijr & carissimi
  3. no your name is beautiful
  4. GRAND PRIZE! EVERY game on Steam First Place. Top 10 Items on Wishlist Second place. Top 5 Items on Wishlist Third Place. Valve Complete Pack 1 Grand Prize Winner 50 First Place winners 100 Second Place Winners 1 000 Third Place Winners Along with 75%-50% off deals every day Damn steam is going crazy with deals, x-mas is awesome on steam :D!
  5. I edited it, it used to be black ops, but its valve now, :3
  6. Vero Jr. Trif. You both want it.. I'll draw a name..... from a legit hat.
  7. I have a coupon for 50% off of a valve title. Enter your name here if you want it. I'll draw a name in 1 hour. (It's 7:15 PM, so 8:15PM) Unique Akio PapiChulo Sean the seamelon High Plains Aegean vero jr pyro The way it works is I put your names on paper, throw em in a hat, mix em up, take a ♥♥♥♥ and stick my filthy hand in blindfolded. AND THE WINNER IS.........PAPICHULO!
  8. Mykhol


    Promo`s today :D Hopefully i get promoted, thank you to everyone who +1`d :D
  9. I think it's fine.. But I've always wondered why we have the no porn spray rule...we aren't little girls...we've all seen it before...
  10. whaaaaaa....serbian we dont need to hear about your personal life.
  11. Mykhol


    I think you mean Vero Jr, not Hudson. And he's not even squeeky he just has a bad mic. + hes mature lol.
  12. I'm using Sean's now. I don't like my old one :3
  13. Mykhol


    /bump for promotions and demotions tomorrow :3
  14. Mykhol


    thank you to all who +1'd, <3 /bump
  15. There needs to be an admin submission section for things like this XD
  16. Mykhol


    Thank you :3 /bump
  17. Lol^wtf^is^that why does he have his d out
  18. Mykhol


    Shank you all for +1'ing...
  19. ^it was on www.memebase.com and there was a repost so I remembered it :3
  20. Mykhol


    Vero Jr is, and this thread takes me 2 hours to load wtf..>XD
  21. 8 rue docteur grandjean, 54000 nancy, meurthe-et-moselle, lorraine, france Search that and go into street view. The house with the bike has a censored area and I searched that before it was censored....Idk why it's censored, there was a realistic mask of some kinda werewolf/alien thing and they decided to censor it...creepy anyway post yer crazy things on google street view here, spend 2000 hours searching and creeping the world.
  22. lol i've asked aegean about moderator before, too, XD it was weird because i wasnt trying to act like an ♥♥♥...but i found out why i wasnt gettin mod :3
  23. Mykhol


    that was by slipery f and i was just saying that randoms are idiots....he got a ban request then wore the tag XD