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Everything posted by Mykhol

  1. Love you too. loljk we barely talk, sept for today and yesterday. i got 600 today :3
  2. I want my time back, thank you come again.
  3. What is this I don't even.... 600th post :D:D:D:D
  4. I thought you meant your porn stash but who doesn't use a computer for that these days.... But yes everyone just keeps a stash of pot and fireworks and sweatshops(waitwhat) under their bed.
  5. Nothing because t.v.'s are stupid and ♥♥♥♥ it.
  6. Jack Daniels and Orphan tears.
  7. i dunt ♥♥♥♥in' know XD
  8. Mykhol


    +1, mature, active. sexy beast. Knows rules.
  9. +1, I only stopped playing surf because I suck ♥♥♥♥ and can't get a kill for ♥♥♥♥, so when I don't respawn i no likey. if i wanted to scrim I'd go to a scrim server. If I wanted to surf I'd go to xg's surf----wait nevermind.
  10. Thank you Colour, for this useful post. You play WoW, now gtfo.
  11. I want to enter, put my sexy name on that vagina-paper
  12. ^This...I played for like 4 years....
  13. Meh, every game get's repetitive, some take longer than others. I think it looks promising, downloading it soon.....
  14. Consoles ♥♥♥♥, I hate using my PS3 for skyrim, I wish i had a better computer for it...:(
  15. I meant for them not to be server banned, but +1 to CT Ban obviously. But only 1 day each.
  16. Everyone says the N word from time to time, not a big deal. I've seen tons of admins say it jokingly, that doesn't deserve a ban. + some admins say "N-i-g-g-a is fine to say, but N***er isn't." As for the warden thing, that's not a big deal either. it happens DAILY and no one ever gets banned. It's a tiny thing and it really doesn't deserve a ban. -1 to ban Wicked, and yellowsnow.
  17. Twurtle and I both play Vindictus (former xG Member), just wondering if anyone else plays, if so, which server? East, West? Gameplay: It's f2p, by nexon, Most people know nexon by maplestory or combat arms. It has nexon points like Combat arms and maplestory, but it's not P2W, pay 2 win, like combat arms. It's pay to be a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnKJpXZxmyU It's powered by source, too! No it isn't a WoW copy, it's waaay different than WoW. I've played WoW for like 4 years, so I can fairly say that. >.>
  18. I think subclans are ♥♥♥♥ing stupid, most anyway. They're just a way of confusing people, I think you should only be able to put 1 on max...XD xG |, [xG], [xG:M] , [xG:A], [xG:D], [xG:C], [xG:L], that is all, and the admin/mod/div leader with the | instead of []
  19. Member Name: Penguin Player's Name: The Ghost of Paddy Mayne Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:21865525 Ban Request Reason: Mass freekill, disrespect, only have proof of mass freekill, kermit the frog was there, Mohammad was there. Mass freekill .Dem: (Not all was caught on tape, orders were given by me: "One step out, face cell, afk freeze") everone was doing orders and he comes and mass freekills at 12:04 at night. MediaFire
  20. Dude, you're taking this whole "I must ban everyone because there's a Ban request option" thing too far. Edison was here waaaay before MOSTLY everyone on this thread. Including me, but only by a few months. But anyway, you gotta stop ban requesting over tiny offenses, I only ban request people on mass freekill, mass cell spam etc. Get over it, you're getting too butthurt, he thought the rules were the same as when he came back from being away from the clan. You're not even in the clan, so stfu with the "Cake walking into the clan" ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Get over these tiny offenses which he was slain for. God damn.