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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Mykhol

  1. Mykhol


    Sean Is a god so he doesn't need to be in the clan. +1
  2. I've tried updating steam, restarting it, ending the process, nothing helps. when i go to launch something it says "Launching <game>" and it will sit there for an hour and never open. Anyone know what to do? I've searched for updates and found none.
  3. Mykhol


    +1 for awesomesauce
  4. +1 No reason needed, he's a good person, and deserves mod.
  5. Mykhol


    ^hopefully he wont, because that's what everyone's said the last 50 times but it keeps happening. +1 to PERMANENT ban, not just a "If you suck ♥♥♥♥ you get unbanned perma ban"
  6. +1, no one does it, often anyway. and when they do, someone get's glitched, or someone cheats. Remove it plox.
  7. Sean (Colour) is sending everyone a picture of his penis. HELP US. ↓Ironic Signature is Ironic.
  8. Canada, Alberta (WHERE THE HILL BILLIES ARE.) -high five ShakeNBake-
  9. I dunt like mikel. Im changing it back to penguin, just so everyone knows. This is hopefully the last time I change it...
  10. [ATTACH]854.vB[/ATTACH] Finally hit 600, I had 600 on my other account but quit that account and gave it to my brother. I started xG/JB when I had 150hours....and barely play any other servers. GG My life.
  11. Kind of a ♥♥♥♥, but I love him, even though he rebelled and murdered my face over 9000 times. +1
  12. ^This, rexx holy ♥♥♥♥, I use my mic, im 5 and a half, you can use yours too, no ones gonna ddos you for having a voice. just use your ♥♥♥♥ing mic.
  13. Oh Carbon, you so beautiful.
  14. Mykhol


    God damn you're a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ i hate you, LOLJK I love you, lets ♥♥♥♥, and get back in the clan right nao.
  15. Get the ♥♥♥♥ in this clan already. +1
  16. Mykhol


    +1 he stole my goat.
  17. Mykhol


    +1, this man is a manly man man and desrves mod.
  18. Mykhol

    I'm hardcore.

    [ATTACH]816.vB[/ATTACH] I'm so hardcore I use both hands and a picture of Hudson.
  19. Die in a fire^ LOLJK ↓You too. MW2.5 Sucks.
  20. My PC would explode if I even thought about using PC.
  21. If Parent A pre-ordered Skyrim Physically at the store, would parent B be able to pick it up from the store under their name? It's 10:06AM and I have to wait until around 6:00pm to get skyrim, unless my other parent can pick up Skyrim, under the other ones name. My life is over If I can't play before then. Anyone know?