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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Mykhol

  1. Mykhol

    Ban Brink_

    ^inb4 banned for useless spam post.
  2. Mykhol

    Hai :)

    HAY GERRRRL inb4 penguins a rapist who will eat you. ^true true. hi there im uniques master, canadias dad and xaviens lover. Nice to meet you
  3. Mykhol


    saw no submission when i searched him....just a ban request... "[xG] Penguin: Sladay what does xg mean to you <No response *searches on forums" *finds ban request and no submission* *must be a random poser*
  4. Mykhol


    ez you little muffin....XD
  5. Southern Calgary, 2-5 inches of snow, you lucky ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.... I live in the same city as kermit teh frawg :D!
  6. 1800-267-2009 ALAAARM FOOORCE, anyone? no? okay....that was a long time ago im sorry.... 3737373 pizza 69 wait what
  7. Mykhol


    i didnt want him to be banned and meant to put it in random, i was just saying 99% of randoms are idiots XD
  8. Mykhol


    "Member Name: SliperyF Player's Name: Sladay93 Player's Steam ID: No clue sorry Ban Request Reason: Free killing many times for aboustly no reason on the [xG] Xeno Gamers JailBreak Server. He was also free tazing, i belive that this should be more of a week CT ban rather than a Day as he did not follow orders to slay himself after he free killed many terrorists and finaly had to be slayn under the commant of warden. Please Take this seriously -Thank you Slipery Fingers" A ban request by Slipery F a while back, and I just found this same guy wearing the xG Tag on TF2....lol
  9. +1 get this dickhole in the clan
  10. Mykhol


    Yeah he's been in this clan longer than about 95% of this thread...lol, only a month more than me though...;(
  11. Mykhol


    he's a cutie as xavien already showed +1, friendly sometimes others a hardass....
  12. thisthisthisthisthis am i the only one who though duke would look something like carrisimi or arthman? but hes like a bearded sexy mother ♥♥♥♥er, not like carrisimi and arthman arent sexy tho.
  13. awww sheeeeeeeet awwwww yeaaaaaaah
  14. ^banned because 63 pages and i remember when this started
  15. Tarin's mine, ♥♥♥♥ off. But we can still has 3 ways. get the condoms and the alcohohohol see what i did there? no? okay :(
  16. It's not a ban request, i'm just telling admins to be more active, because ♥♥♥♥ like this happens a LOT, and i caught this by accident when someone was mic spamming,
  17. Let's have a 30 foot mistletoe so everyone can make out violently.
  18. Oh Anthony c'mere ya little, gimme a hug. ↓You are beautiful, <3
  19. [ATTACH]1045.vB[/ATTACH] :L maybe my profile picture should be paranoid parrot and not socially awkward penguin....hmmmhmmm
  20. Exactly...do you see me racing to 1000? no....im not racing to 700 either... and im still a member, everyone keeps spamming and grave digging to get -1'd for it
  21. massive gunspam is cool, so is massive gunplant... this is what happens almost everyday -.- MediaFire
  22. I turn 15 on wednesday don't judge me