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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Mykhol

  1. yea, I also called warden, then panda freeday, then he freekilled 2 ppl for knifing him and then he said sorry and didnt slay >_>
  2. +1 because his **** **** ****** ***** Censored for the kiddies
  3. Mykhol

    Major B

    MajorB did do this, I was there and he did say that, He didn't say "F8ck this I'm having a freeday" he said "30 seconds no orders read motd, its a freeday" Not exactly but something similar.
  4. Mykhol


    Oh High plains <3 You so silly
  5. More then dun goofed, http://chzmemeafterdark.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/naughty-memes-again.gif
  6. Mykhol


    ooooh thank you guise <3 :D :D, I hope I get accepted :P
  7. I think its fair to say......... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhJQA2_Z9FM
  8. Mykhol


    Aand if I do get denied, I'll be a free bird, and I'll not use this forum, I'll still play the JB and talk to the members though. Cuz I lurv you.
  9. Yea, I'm on early a lot, MajorB is there half the time, No worries, he's got dis, If there are no admins, record it.
  10. Mykhol


    Well that ****s things up, I don't know what Duckii thinks of me, Silence hates me, And You're you.
  11. Well, I turn my vouch around, only because Charlies picture is ****ing hilarious xD (It won't count until I'm in xG -.-)
  12. Mykhol


    Thank you both, I won't leave you <3
  13. Mykhol


    Member Name: Penguin In-Game Name: Penguin Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:37652204 Age: 14 Game Time: Minecraft, Since September, CSS, A Few years. Helpful Skills: Well, I have a lot of friends here, experience in admin, Have good ideas and a very active player. I know the rules and when Admins don't see things, I'm there recording it. ;) ---------- Post added at 11:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 PM ---------- (That good-bye was temporary, by the way, I knew I would come back, I can't perma-leave you sexies)
  14. "i dont break rules" -WRONG SIR!, You were caught by colourblaze wearing "[xG:M]" tag. If I was still here I'd say -1.
  15. and then there was one...............division
  16. How am I not allowed to post on the forums? I still like the clan members, I just don't want to be a part of it anymore.
  17. Good riddance little fat Muppet.. , best thing to say? Yes, I will miss you sexy.
  18. If I was still in xG, I'd vouch down, <3
  19. Or you can just go onto CSS and go into a game, and type status into console, and see what it says beside your name.
  20. Mykhol


    ^^ Thiisssssssssssss
  21. Mykhol

    Should I sleep? O_O

    I don't, For some reason water keeps me awake, as long as it's cold.
  22. Mykhol

    Hell yeah

  23. Mykhol

    Should I sleep? O_O

    ^^ That's what I did, O_O