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Everything posted by Mykhol

  1. +1, luh him 10charlimit
  2. Member Name: Penguin Player's Name: Patty O'Furniture Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:12425231 Ban Request Reason: He freekilled me, then told me that He killed me for no reason, on record, I recorded it, and have a screenie of him saying it in chat. Video: Watch from 15 to 35-ish, the rest is useless MediaFire Screenie: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/559788841019172037/693F11C84AD98CCAA9931AC9B1AF415819235D41/ First line of text, he is referring to me asking why he killed me.... ---------- Post added 07-21-2011 at 12:35 AM ---------- Previous post was 07-20-2011 at 11:28 PM ---------- Umm, this isn't showing up in "New posts" so....bump?
  3. Mykhol


    +1, as long as he quit that other clan he was admin in, that's right pho, I remember that time I was bhoppin'!
  4. ^Banned for having better arrows than the rest of us.
  5. Meh, he talks over warden a lot, and pretends tobe the warden a minute into the round after many orders have been given.
  6. ^banned for having a download speed higher then mine.
  7. ^banned for making fun of MENTLEGEN!
  8. ^banned for saying "lul" when it's clearly "lewl"
  9. ^banned for saying "lawl" when it's lol, lol.
  10. Show the screen shot, and hopefully goon will reply.....
  11. and the chicken in your ***
  12. Mykhol

    I have no friends!

    No friends for you, we all hate you. Jk love you <3
  13. What kind of sick ****er walks in poo bare foot purposely? Go kill yourself.