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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Mykhol

  1. I did that, it worked a little, then my xbox scratched it some moar, it was the first version of xbox, over 2 years ago, besides, my little cousin moved the xbox while it was on, and it made a very louuuuud sound, and the disc was ****ed over.
  2. I'm a hot penguin. ---------- Post added at 03:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:52 PM ---------- SR2 = Saints row 2, I played it on xbox but the disc ****ed a goat and it was scratched, so half the game was glitched. So I'm gettin' it for PC.
  3. i've been dl'ing sr2 for like 3 hours now, and im only getting 442-500KB a second, thats terribad, I downloaded a non-steam game and it took 10 minutes, 2x the size of Sr2, DAAMMMAAAT STEEEAM
  4. Mykhol

    Profile visits

    20 =[ 10charlimit
  5. Mykhol

    Proof im a man

    Pain Olympics? o.o
  6. Mykhol

    Proof im a man

    I watched the whole 2 girls 1 cup and liked- I mean, Didn't throw up.
  7. *cough* good thing this hasn't been done before *cough* jk <3
  8. Mykhol

    Map download

    Jay, you forgot space :D
  9. +1, NEVER met him =[. but he sounds sexy.
  10. http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_loeffjy4Rj1r00sfyo1_500.gif This .gif describes my entire life.
  11. /facepalm, you NEEEEEED proof.
  12. K, Here's NASA -gives NASA-
  13. kaykay, I was kidding when I made that post BTW -.-
  14. I've actually wanted gmod since I joined xG, so Quar didn't start ****, I was going to ask before but I never got the chance.
  15. Mykhol

    Signature Shop

    Bump 10charlimit
  16. I saved you!, there were 6 replies, and 66 views, i saved you, there are now 7 replies and 66 view ;d
  17. Mykhol


    DAMN IT! Otherworldy took mine =[
  18. Vanilla, I just wanna poke you, ya know? +1
  19. I'm Canadian yes, I really don't care about the actual hate, I care about every person in the lobby screaming on their mics, Admins need to PLEASE handle this like the ff spam day, people were kicked for spamming it and people should be kicked for spamming things like "****CANADA****CANADA" over and over on binds, SpaceNarwhal was doing that, I can't read the chat and I can't hear warden. Spam spam: MediaFire