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Everything posted by Mykhol

  1. Mykhol

    Signature Shop

    Text: Mr. Peenguin! Colors: Yellow background, All green text Images (if any): Same images as my last one if you can. Siggy/spray?
  2. Wish I had proof but he did do this. :/
  3. jb_ytd_beta_v2 the map lags and its not the server, The map itself is just laggy, the server is fine with any other map.
  4. I would like to say +1, But can't because this in no way proves Kenny did anything. No proof that was Kenny.
  5. Mykhol


    -1 wearing tag before being in.
  6. Meh, I have cata, never installed it because my account with the other expansions got haxorzed =[ I'm saving up for the other expansions to play with you guise.
  7. xgrepresent Silence playing the best game ever
  8. +1, Never seen him, but I can see from the other comments hes good.
  9. Mykhol

    Allo chaps.

    Hi there, I've been waiting for you.
  10. +1, Never met him because I'm a newbie, but Judging by the comments hes a good guy.
  11. Mykhol

    Here it is...

    You made me happy in the private area, Nuff said.
  12. Mykhol


    Hell to the yes, Haven't vouched up in a while, +1
  13. Mykhol


    ^^ What serbian said, +1
  14. -1, One other thing, COMPLETELY unrelated, why do you put capitals on every word that doesn't need it, and no capitals on the words that need it? -.-
  15. Now he's disrespecting members,
  16. Colourblaze said "Read the MOTD and I'll quiz you, if you get enough right, I'll vouch up" Yet DakutePanda said exactly "QUIZ ME QUICKLY. I DIDNT READ THE MOTD VERY WELL, I READ IT FAST" How? How is that someone we want in xG, He is to LAZY to read the MOTD properly and know our RULES instead of just begging for vouches and lying about everything.
  17. I don't think you should be in xG just yet, Learn our rules, get to know the community, then Re-apply, see what people think of you after that, Besides, you weren't accepted into xG when you put the tag on thinking it meant member anyway, That's still member impersonation.
  18. Mykhol


    +1, Loved that option, But some moderators don't pay any attention to server changes, They would probably end up slaying the last T or "rebeling"
  19. -1, Doesn't know the rules at all, I was warden on the first day of a new map he said exactly "First day freeday, it's always a freeday on first day", Saying that without knowing we even HAD rules. He's annoying and to young. He seems 12 Not 14.
  20. Really? You're 12? I had no idea, That's awesome, Very mature player, Thought he was 16, Acts more mature then his age, +1
  21. Mykhol


    +1 10charlimit