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Everything posted by Mykhol

  1. 1) Xavien (Too complicated to explain) 2) Hudson (my little cupcake lemon drop slut) 3) unique 4) Colour 5) Foxxy or high plains (can't decide love em' both)
  2. Mykhol

    admitions to mod

    ^your explanation: >more mods >less rule breakers. No. That's terribly incorrect. Just because we have more moderators doesn't mean we have less randoms who don't read the MOTD. We can't exactly force them to read it unless they do something against it.
  3. ^ i think he means hes been on servers that long but joined in may even though his account says october, dafuq?
  4. that was pretty sexy i have to admit
  5. I joined in may too ;3, but i haven't been playing that long. D: gratz
  6. This is why I don't eat Hax In a Can before I go to sleep.
  7. Hudson Or Aegean have pretty boss names because it's their first name and still pretty bawss, but not the most creative...:L
  8. Mykhol


    Shit...you guys are depressing.... D: I'll take you to the movies serbian, give you a handie in the back row ehh?eh????
  9. ^banned for being mad, but siriusly close this shit, 78 pages is ENOUGH. I remember the first page. BACK IN MAH DAY! [ATTACH]1585.vB[/ATTACH]
  10. God damn that guy's a retard. First he says "NOPE NO HOMOPHOBIA OR SAYING FAGGOT" then he says "ITS TEH INTERWEBZ GROW UP" and he also said 'CLAN FULL OF HYPOCRITES" dafuq you talkin' bout?
  11. Mykhol


    Yeah....7 times seems like enough for a perma. he really needs to gtfo.
  12. Mykhol


    /bump, snackbar this thread is for you to fap to at night.
  13. Decision: +1 Why: Good player, doesn't start fight's, knows motd. (off topic: he lives in the same city as me :D) Maturity: Very mature player, doesn't cause problems. Activity: On more early and late than mid-day, I see him whenever I decide to play some late night servers.
  14. Mykhol


    Don't let this get lost, /bump
  15. Mykhol

    New Game?

    Holy crap..that looks fun.... +1 inb4 minecraft fanboys "RIPOFFFFF" also >mfw i saw the video [ATTACH]1565.vB[/ATTACH]
  16. I don't understand why people even brag about seeing tits or having a girlfriend.... it's useless, you just look like a douche, I currently don't have one but I've had 2 throughout the year, 1 lasted 5 months, the other not so long, not a big deal...
  17. Mykhol

    Who banned me?

    Oh, CT ban, no idea, I don't know if it's even possible to track that, probably is, i'm just too bad.
  18. you scared the black off of me [ATTACH]1550.vB[/ATTACH]
  19. i went to +1, then i realized i already did >mfw [ATTACH]1549.vB[/ATTACH]
  20. Mykhol


    He's been given 7 chances, he's not changing.
  21. Mykhol


    I'm not on bear's side, I've had too many problem's with him, but russki needs to be banned.
  22. Mykhol

    Who banned me?

    Billy did it, throw cheese at him! That ban was actually in 2011, so idk, thats the only ban on you....:L
  23. Mykhol


    10charlimit Forums are glitched, links dont work, gotta c+p them, i cant edit it, only this part...>:C EZkill Freebanned? [MEDIA=imgur]gcqqE[/MEDIA] [MEDIA=imgur]hAgyq[/MEDIA] Please rid us of this idiot. ^links (hopefully working this time)