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Posts posted by Chickenlips

  1. -1


    He had plenty of chances to cut out the crap and only magnified his efforts to ♥♥♥♥ everyone off. I personally warned him on several occasions, to no avail. He's only sorry now that he is banned.


    I'm sick of him. He was not only an embarrassment to [xG], but to humanity. He needs to stay banned.


    I was just as equally bad, I don't see why people gave me another chance knowing my history.. But they did and that's what matters. Just give him another chance to prove himself that he's actually changed, and if he hasn't, just perm him. I think he's actually changed. He's taking the time to write these big apologies knowing that he'll still get shut down. Just give him another chance, I don't see the harm in it. People need to learn from their mistakes, but if you don't let them learn, they won't ever change.


    I believe he'll actually change so I have no problem with him coming back. 2 week ban is long enough in my opinion.

  2. Maybe you can't read but everything I put in that quote was past tense, and I even said it was months ago.


    Regardless of that, you obviously don't care anymore. I'm just saying, if you can't handle trolls and griefers, you have no business being a mod. I was just saying. You shouldn't expect anything more being a girl on the internet.

  3. +1 like I've said in the other thread, if you guys gave me many chances, you should at least give him one chance. If he continues to be stupid, just perm ban him. I feel his situation because I have been in it before.


    I say we get rid of the perm and give him like a week ban or two weeks. Whatever floats your boat. +1 for unbanning though. xo

  4. I'm really active on Minigames, but I'm not as active on Jailbreak when there's above 30 people, because it causes me lag and can sometimes give me a horrible headache. Anyways, you should add me or play on Minigames with me <3




    This was months ago, in a time I don't even think you were active during. You had no idea what the people of xG treated me like during that time. I couldn't join the server without being trolled into the ground. Also this was months ago, and I apologized for it in my rejoin application.


    You're a girl on the internet who plays game, what do you expect? You need to learn to deal with it. No reason for you to apply for MOD if you can't handle people or if you let your emotions get in the way of your work as a MOD. If you want you can add me and I'll play minigames sometime, I never tried that so yeah.

  5. -1, she isn't active as much as other people are. I think if she starts playing more frequently and stops saying some stupid stuff, then I'd change it to a +1. I barely see her on though.

  6. +1 ur body is reasdy reel life lettuce


    can i potato your potato my son, thiz iz a legitimite mod app, plox +1 i am the best evwer

  7. hay guize i have over 100 posts cn i apply 4 mod, i spammed a lot an im rly active on the forumz n in the jailbreak server xoxo baby

  8. >Mfw a 27 year old man can't spell

    >Mfw Austin1 is going to pull a JackSparrow and spam useless stuff until he reaches 100 posts to apply for mod

    >Mfw he hasn't been on the forums long enough to know this is the wrong section




    >Mfw I shat my pants laughing

  9. You really remind me of myself minus the family insults, I don't see how that was funny. I know you probably have a short temper like moi, but you just need to work on it. It took me a while to completely change (2 bans, kicked out of xG like 3 times). It really gets to you after a while because you realize you love the community and I was mad bored without everyone. Even though I have had really bad bumps in the road, I realize that the community is amazing and I don't want to be secluded from everyone.


    You need to just realize what you have done, and try to improve yourself. Hold yourself back from insults and stupid comments.


    I think you should be kicked out of xG, and banned for at least a week. I think compared to my actions, I mean you probably did worse in a smaller amount of time, you shouldn't be permed. +1 for a week/2week ban.

  10. What I'm about to say concerns anyone who vouched down for "leaving": "So y u Mad??",OHHH Rexx left for a month due to Schoolwork and stress and In-Real-Life problems!, OMG lets vouch him down for doing so!!! Even do he didn't left for not getting a promo *cough* Colour, OR HE wasn't kicked out or denied the last time *cough* Chickenlips, He deserves a vouch down for "leaving".



    Seriously guys,grow the ♥♥♥♥ up,if yo guys are going to vouch me down for leaving In-Game,but staying on forums, then you guys need to look at lilcrazyx or Jay breezy,who left like 6 times and still came back with open arms. I mean; A guy can't leave for a month or so just to catch up in school and not deal with his moderator-ship for a while? Lets just vouch him down for doing so.


    Calm down kid, I know my past, you don't have to explain to me. I'm in xG and you aren't, end of story. Everyone always says how you just leave anyway, so why waste time. Clearly you telling us to grow the ♥♥♥♥ up is pretty immature, you aren't doing yourself any good saying stuff like this trying to get back into xG.

  11. As much as I hate rap, that was actually pretty good. One of the few rap "songs" that I can actually say I enjoyed.


    I hate fake rap like Soulja Boy, all them stupid people. Hopsin, Immortal Technique, and Diabolic are the only real rappers right now in my opinion. (Only ones I've heard so far)