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Posts posted by Chickenlips

  1. its all up to the mods that are on at the time, if they dont like it then they mute or tell whoever to stop using mic, if they like it, they leave them alone, its all subjective


    I just think it's unfair to constantly mute Joshi3 and let Kermit go around doing his own voice. It's not very equal in my opinion.

  2. hmm i agree joshi/kermit/even jamals voices are fine with every1

    mic spam annoys me most but these three are plain funny


    It's extremely irritating to see people constantly muting Joshi3 because of his voice, yet they let Kermit do his voice. It's stupid. They are all equally funny and annoying at the same time. They don't mic spam, or do anything bad. I don't see why people keep muting him. It's ticking me off.

  3. The MODs don't mind Kermit speaking in his false voice, yet some won't allow Joshi3 to speak in his voice. I think they're both equally funny. They both are somewhat annoying, but both funny. It's confusing me why people keep muting Joshi3 and telling him to use his normal voice when he doesn't even mic spam or do anything that is EXTREMELY annoying.

  4. +1 because you actually tried to change and in my opinion you did.


    I knew I had to do something. I know I still swear and stuff but at least I'm not arguing with people as constant as I use to. I'm going to keep trying to improve myself. I don't wanna get banned again, or have people hate me. I love this server yo.

  5. Member Name: Chickenlips


    In-Game Name: Chickenlips #fatgiraffe


    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41973414


    Age: 15


    Game Time: I have like 250 hours played.


    Helpful Skills: I've been through a long and rough ride with the xG server, but I've recently been thinking about rejoining. I've tried many times, but ended up getting banned the previous time for a week. I'm sorry for anyone I disrespected, and I've been trying to clean up my act. In my perspective I've been doing fine so far, I'm very active. I hope you guys think about giving me another chance. Love you all!~!

  6. MW3, I never was interested in the Elder Scrolls or whatever that is. The game never was intriguing to me. BF3 is just a game I don't like playing as much. I don't like the open scenery, I liked playing the game mode TDM only, I didn't really like the other game modes. I guess it's just my personal preference. I like Call of Duty just because I think it's fun running around just owning stuff (if you're good like me). I don't really like large map style games like BF3, and vehicles and such. It's all about opinion, everyone has their interests. :D

  7. Well it doesn't violate any rules, so you can say whatever you want.


    It's not a matter of it violating any rules, it's just the fact that people will find it disturbing. I'll just wait for a mod or admin to address the issue, I don't see how I could have a spray that had cleavage, yet you could have a spray so disgusting. I'm not trying to trash you or be disrespectful, I just think it's gross.

  8. I do not like chickenlips but as for your spray one of them looks like an underage kid and it may not be pornographic its highly offensive to me. i wouldnt care if they both looked over 18 but neither of them do.


    Exactly. I wouldn't care at all if they were two homosexual adult people kissing, it's just that I know that they are both underage and I just find it disturbing.

  9. Rabid was the only person that had a problem with the spray. No one else cared, no one else asks me to change it.


    If more mods and admins than just Rabid asks me to change it, then I will. But honestly, chickenlips, your opinion means absolutely nothing to me.


    It is not pornography in any way, shape or form. It is pg13 in all ways. It's an innocent kiss and I disagree with Rabid's objection.


    I don't care if you don't care about my opinion, I just think you should change it. The fact is that, you are 20 years old, and you have two kids kissing. I don't care if it is "innocent" or there is no nudity. Regardless of it being a "simple kiss", it's still disturbing to people like myself. I don't agree with it. It's disgusting.

  10. Monica[/url]


    I think we are getting to the point about spray being acceptable and when its not


    I just don't see how something like is acceptable. I didn't know this has been addressed before, but I just find it disturbing. I can't even have a picture with a cleavage (no ♥♥♥♥ showing) and I get kicked, yet he can have a spray that has two underage kids kissing. Just seems stupid.

  11. It's kind of ridiculous to see more people concerned about 11/11/2011 and Skyrim when it was Rememberance Day, I could care less about either issue. I love the soldiers and everything they have done for us. I am hoping once I get out of high school to join the Canadian Forces. Always been a dream of mine. R.I.P to all the soldiers that fought to keep us alive and running.

  12. Does anyone else think it's disgusting? I'm not trying to like player trash or talk ♥♥♥♥ about him, but it's disgusting. I just want to put this out there so maybe an admin can tell him to change it, I do believe he is like 20 years old, I'm not going to call him a pedophile (got banned for that). I think it needs to be addressed, don't give me flak for this post. I didn't know where to put this so I'm just gonna leave this here. Again, not disrespecting him, just addressing something that is really wrong and disgusting. I think it's gross, I'm surprised the leaders haven't addressed it already. They kicked me once for having a spray that had a lot of cleavage, but don't do anything about two obvious under-age boys kissing.

  13. I should be the bigger man and accept your apology, but I don't. This isn't the first time you have trolled me, just the first time I had proof.


    Since I have a personal interest I will not vote though.


    I respect your opinion, I didn't expect anyone to +1, people even say that you get mad over ♥♥♥♥ too much. I won't say anything to anyone if they don't say anything to me. I respect your reply, and I didn't expect you to accept the apology. I was extremely out of line with what I said, but I can't take it back so yeah.

  14. -1 because he only cares to apologize after he was banned.


    Mistakes make a person realize what they can do to improve the situation. I'll improve regardless of what happens, but yeah. I don't expect everyone to support this, regardless, mistakes make people realize what they did wrong and how to make it better. This is better than me not saying anything and coming back and just trolling again (which I won't).