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Posts posted by Chickenlips

  1. Alright, it just sounds very goofy then. Sorry for those accusations. If i knew you better I'd +1 you, but as of right now I have no legitimate reason to do so. When I did play with you though i do remeber that you were a very solid player, but i dont really know you personally. When you get unbanned I'll be looking forward to getting to know you better.


    OHHHH you mean my autism voice, that voice was me copying Joshi3. LOLOL. But yeah.

  2. I really think you should wait a while before you try to come back, considering that your 1 week ban started as of today. Your appology sounds sincere, but you could jsut be bsing it, all you did when i was on with you was be terribly annoying and using "your natural voice"(sounded like a voice changer). Also in your unban reason it seems like you are trying to make people feel sorry for you or trying to sway them by saying how "you know no one will +1 your unban" and "It's understandable that I stay banned. :X". If I had gotten to know you more before all of this happened, then i might +1 you but as of right now im sitting at a 0, mainly because you MIGHT actually be sincere about your appology. If you do get unbanned I hope you stick to your word and really do tone it down.


    You think my natural voice is a voice changer? Like I said, if the mods and the admins and Aegean decide that they don't want to unban me, I'll take the ban. I don't see how my voice is a voice changer though, that's my natural voice. LOL

  3. +1 he wrote a good apology :)


    I expected you to come in here and -1, sorry for all the trouble I've ever given you. I know you don't really like me that much, but an apology is needed for you. You're a good guy, good mod, keep doing what you're doing. Sorry for all the trouble again.

  4. I apologize to anyone I ever offended, regardless of the outcome of this, I just want to apologize. This is all this is about. Hopefully some will accept, but I doubt many will. I've had too many chances, so it's understandable that I stay banned. :X


    If I do get unbanned, I'll absolutely try my best to keep my remarks to myself. When I came back from inactivity, I thought I was doing fine, but then I got a little bit of an ego.. I slipped out a couple times and here we are. So thanks for anyone who will give me another chance.

  5. LOL YO WTF? I only said that ♥♥♥♥ because cigaro told me to. My bad that you're like 20 and have two kids kissing? Sorry for offending you about it, but regardless I'm probably gonna get banned anyway.

  6. Lol, its people like you that ruin jailbreak. Yea, you can decide whos voice is deep enough to be warden or not


    So telling you that you can't be warden because of your pre-pubescent voice, ruins the jailbreak server? I don't see the logic in that. Please make up a better argument yo.


    ---------- Post added at 10:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:00 PM ----------


    Going to have to -1 this, due to the fact that you're effectively having a back and forth war with two people in the clan in YOUR OWN APP, when you could just ignore their comments or resolve it in a much more mature manner. Not very good form, I have to say.


    I'd personally think that with a response from kevin that so painfully screams troll, or perhaps ignorance, due to the lack of a descriptive reasoning behind why you shouldn't get into the clan, should be an obvious landmine that should be avoided. xG has enough bickering with clan members versus out of clan members. But members bickering at each other? That just isn't on.


    And no, don't think that I'm defending kevin through this post. I'll agree with you in that I don't like the little kids on the servers, but there are better ways to handle it.


    It's whatever now, I'm not gonna get into the clan anyhow. So that's cool. They should just close this application.

  7. Wow! i didnt know this was your clan chcken, that you can decide who can be or not be warden, or when you can magicly steal warden from people! i doubt you even read the motd before


    Um, I'm pretty sure you have to have a decently deep voice to be warden and not sound a squeaky dog toy. You're what, like 13? I have read the MOTD, so you should get your facts straight before you come at me like this. It's not my clan, but technically according to the MOTD, you aren't allowed to be warden @your voice. Stop getting mad.

  8. Seems like hes still trolling you, why is an arguement with no proof still going. troll is trolling just ignore him. -1


    I'm not trolling? You probably weren't even ♥♥♥♥ing there when it happened so stfu.

  9. Dude stop i never walked into disco max close i got was when there was 2 left and only took a step inside to see them and they werent rebeling i was not breaking a rule, i did not bait now stop dude. i am not going to keep this going last post i was not in the wrong you need to stop trying to be a douche bag i did nothing wrong you trolled cause your an asshat!


    You obviously both went in there with the intent to get them move. There was like 2-3 of them left, why would they rebel when they had no guns in there? What was the reasoning or point of going in there after there was a chance to none that a magic gun would just appear. It's considered baiting, you killed him because he moved at you when you went in there. It's baiting. Calm down.

  10. Neither of us stepped foot into disco where they were supposed to be frozen they kept moving out and trying to kill us untill only 2 were left i never baited nor did he.


    You guys were both going into disco, and one of the T's moved and you killed him because he had to freeze. You guys baited. Stop denying it.

  11. And yet again i will state this very clearly, you trolled me AFTER that i didnt care you called warden i let you have it did i not? It was what happened after that is why i -1's for cause you trolled or tried to.


    I didn't troll you.. But okay. You were baiting the Ts and I called you out on it. You were going in the dance floor so they would move so you could kill them. So was Bruce. I didn't even troll you, I just got mad because you were baiting. Learn the rules bro.

  12. Actually it's when you started talking ♥♥♥♥ acting allhigh and mighty and ♥♥♥♥ talking me is when i came and did this and i stand by it. I wasnt trying to be a ♥♥♥♥, but when some1 starts telling me they better then me and ♥♥♥♥ talking i find it rather distastful. i didnt even know you before today and wouldnt have even voted if you didnt act so immature towards me in JB. and me calling mods had nothing to do with you kid, it was with the 5 ct's screaming for warden repeatdly.


    The only thing I said it that I have been on the server longer than you, I wasn't acting all high and mighty. You were the one being the prissy little girl because people couldn't call warden. I did in fact call warden over you, and you pretty much just told me to stfu. So yeah. I totally trolled you bro.

  13. There is no "cutting down on the trolling" from you. You always come back worse than before. Not the first trolling ban you've gotten. -1 for unban.
    This is the first ban that has ever went through for me though? I won't come back worse.. I realize that I'm bored as hell without the server and the community and I just want to come back. I promise I'll cut down the trolling, I'll take any recommended ways to stop the trolling. I'll even put a notepad in the background and play in windows and have a notepad saying "don't get mad" I don't really troll, I just get really pissed off at stuff...

  14. I'm only 15.. But I've gotten into a couple scraps. I have a bad anger problem. I hate when like guys touch me in like any harmful way like pushing, punching, any touching etc even if they're my friends. I got into a fight first day of 9th grade for some kid hitting me in the nuts, then I fought his friend and kicked his , then got into another fight in like January with some fat boxer kid and won that one. So yeah. Fought my best friend once too, nudged into my arm so I pushed him and he punched me in the chest, so I punched him in the face and he like ran off lol. (he's a ).

  15. Member Name: Chickenlips


    What game?: Counterstrike: Source


    Your In-Game Name: Chickenlips


    Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41973414


    Ban Reason: Trolling, harrassing, etc.


    Unban Reason: I really want to be unbanned because I'm really bored.. It's been like 2 days and I'm like addicted to the server, I promise if I get unbanned that I'll cut down on the trolling a lot and the harassing comments. I'm sorry for anyone I disrespected. Please understand and unban me. No other server is like this server, all the other JB servers are terrible. PLEASE UNBAN ME!

  16. Alright, so I'm gonna edit this. I apologize to all the server, including mods, people, randoms, freekillers, and admins. I have been a disrespectful person. I'm sorry for all of the arguments I've caused, all of that. I didn't know that me trolling in a text chat could be so significant. I really do sincerely apologize, and hope you all understand. I hope you don't just look over this and say, "Oh well he's just saying that because he could get banned" No, I'm not. I don't want to be enemies with anyone, the only people I'd like to be enemies with are mass freekillers. I love the server, xG is what I come on CSS to play, nothing more. I apologize for all of the antics I've caused, and I'm truly manning up and taking my own actions and apologizing for them. I'm sorry xG. If I don't get banned, I promise to change my ways, I won't argue anymore or troll the slightest bit. I'm truly sorry for the disrespect, and hope you all understand. Thanks.

  17. Member Name: Chickenlips


    In-Game Name: Chickenlips [TheFamily]


    Steam ID: STEAM:0:0:41973414


    Age: 15


    Game Time: I've played CSS for about 200 hours, mostly being dedicated to the xG jailbreak server. I have like 6 days and 20 something hours in xG JB.


    Helpful Skills: I am a good rebeller, I know the rules really well, when I go on CT I never really freekill and if I do I slay myself no questions asked. People may know me as a major /troll, but I mean I've changed a little bit, I still get mad a little bit, but I don't make it as big of a deal as I use to. I've kinda grown fond of xG, I love the server, and love the people. Minus the freekillers.