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Everything posted by Chickenlips

  1. It's kind of ridiculous to see more people concerned about 11/11/2011 and Skyrim when it was Rememberance Day, I could care less about either issue. I love the soldiers and everything they have done for us. I am hoping once I get out of high school to join the Canadian Forces. Always been a dream of mine. R.I.P to all the soldiers that fought to keep us alive and running.
  2. Does anyone else think it's disgusting? I'm not trying to like player trash or talk ♥♥♥♥ about him, but it's disgusting. I just want to put this out there so maybe an admin can tell him to change it, I do believe he is like 20 years old, I'm not going to call him a pedophile (got banned for that). I think it needs to be addressed, don't give me flak for this post. I didn't know where to put this so I'm just gonna leave this here. Again, not disrespecting him, just addressing something that is really wrong and disgusting. I think it's gross, I'm surprised the leaders haven't addressed it already. They kicked me once for having a spray that had a lot of cleavage, but don't do anything about two obvious under-age boys kissing.
  3. I respect your opinion, I didn't expect anyone to +1, people even say that you get mad over ♥♥♥♥ too much. I won't say anything to anyone if they don't say anything to me. I respect your reply, and I didn't expect you to accept the apology. I was extremely out of line with what I said, but I can't take it back so yeah.
  4. Mistakes make a person realize what they can do to improve the situation. I'll improve regardless of what happens, but yeah. I don't expect everyone to support this, regardless, mistakes make people realize what they did wrong and how to make it better. This is better than me not saying anything and coming back and just trolling again (which I won't).
  5. OHHHH you mean my autism voice, that voice was me copying Joshi3. LOLOL. But yeah.
  6. You think my natural voice is a voice changer? Like I said, if the mods and the admins and Aegean decide that they don't want to unban me, I'll take the ban. I don't see how my voice is a voice changer though, that's my natural voice. LOL
  7. I expected you to come in here and -1, sorry for all the trouble I've ever given you. I know you don't really like me that much, but an apology is needed for you. You're a good guy, good mod, keep doing what you're doing. Sorry for all the trouble again.
  8. Thanks guys, I know I need to clean up my act. I just have a big mouth and I'm real blunt and honest to people, which ends up getting me into trouble. I love the server and all of the people, and I'll try to smarten up seriously this time.
  9. I apologize to anyone I ever offended, regardless of the outcome of this, I just want to apologize. This is all this is about. Hopefully some will accept, but I doubt many will. I've had too many chances, so it's understandable that I stay banned. :X If I do get unbanned, I'll absolutely try my best to keep my remarks to myself. When I came back from inactivity, I thought I was doing fine, but then I got a little bit of an ego.. I slipped out a couple times and here we are. So thanks for anyone who will give me another chance.
  10. LOL YO WTF? I only said that ♥♥♥♥ because cigaro told me to. My bad that you're like 20 and have two kids kissing? Sorry for offending you about it, but regardless I'm probably gonna get banned anyway.
  11. So telling you that you can't be warden because of your pre-pubescent voice, ruins the jailbreak server? I don't see the logic in that. Please make up a better argument yo. ---------- Post added at 10:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:00 PM ---------- It's whatever now, I'm not gonna get into the clan anyhow. So that's cool. They should just close this application.
  12. Um, I'm pretty sure you have to have a decently deep voice to be warden and not sound a squeaky dog toy. You're what, like 13? I have read the MOTD, so you should get your facts straight before you come at me like this. It's not my clan, but technically according to the MOTD, you aren't allowed to be warden @your voice. Stop getting mad.
  13. It's pretty pathetic that you state your own opinion when you technically can't be warden. Derp a derp.
  14. I'm not trolling? You probably weren't even ♥♥♥♥ing there when it happened so stfu.
  15. You obviously both went in there with the intent to get them move. There was like 2-3 of them left, why would they rebel when they had no guns in there? What was the reasoning or point of going in there after there was a chance to none that a magic gun would just appear. It's considered baiting, you killed him because he moved at you when you went in there. It's baiting. Calm down.
  16. You guys were both going into disco, and one of the T's moved and you killed him because he had to freeze. You guys baited. Stop denying it.
  17. I didn't troll you.. But okay. You were baiting the Ts and I called you out on it. You were going in the dance floor so they would move so you could kill them. So was Bruce. I didn't even troll you, I just got mad because you were baiting. Learn the rules bro.
  18. The only thing I said it that I have been on the server longer than you, I wasn't acting all high and mighty. You were the one being the prissy little girl because people couldn't call warden. I did in fact call warden over you, and you pretty much just told me to stfu. So yeah. I totally trolled you bro.
  19. So I call warden over you, and you get butthurt over it, and say you're going to call the mods when I obviously got it? Get real bro. Calm down.
  20. thnx bruv, hopsin > odd future tho
  21. you ruin the game every time i play with you i know my vote does not count but I've never even played or insulted you in the time I have played CSS? I don't even know who you are.
  22. Yo calm down bro, just because I made fun of your voice once. Hold a grudge much? I don't say ♥♥♥♥ to you anymore.
  23. So yeah, accept me again and I'll be happy to be a member of the xG community again. I'm a regular, I usually play this all the time. So yeah.
  24. This is the first ban that has ever went through for me though? I won't come back worse.. I realize that I'm bored as hell without the server and the community and I just want to come back. I promise I'll cut down the trolling, I'll take any recommended ways to stop the trolling. I'll even put a notepad in the background and play in windows and have a notepad saying "don't get mad" I don't really troll, I just get really pissed off at stuff...
  25. Chickenlips


    I'm only 15.. But I've gotten into a couple scraps. I have a bad anger problem. I hate when like guys touch me in like any harmful way like pushing, punching, any touching etc even if they're my friends. I got into a fight first day of 9th grade for some kid hitting me in the nuts, then I fought his friend and kicked his ♥♥♥, then got into another fight in like January with some fat boxer kid and won that one. So yeah. Fought my best friend once too, nudged into my arm so I pushed him and he punched me in the chest, so I punched him in the face and he like ran off lol. (he's a ♥♥♥♥♥).