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Everything posted by Chickenlips

  1. Chickenlips


    Why did you already have xG in your name if you're JUST applying now? Other than that, +1. Good guy.
  2. -1, you always leave and then come back according to everyone, so if you get accepted, after some hardship while you play you'll probably leave agian. No point in wasting anyone's time.
  3. I hate fake rap like Soulja Boy, all them stupid people. Hopsin, Immortal Technique, and Diabolic are the only real rappers right now in my opinion. (Only ones I've heard so far)
  4. Seen this on funnyjunk this morning, never laughed so hard. I was like oh damn this is gonna be badass, ZZZZZZZZZZZHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE BALLOON.
  5. I know that feel bro. 9th grade was really bad for me because I had like 20 people saying stuff about me just because of stupid rumors. I just moved to BC and it's so much better. People are way nicer here, and I'm actually happy. I'm sorry that you had to go through those hardships, I've been bullied as well. I can fight them, I just choose to be the bigger man and leave it to a certain point.
  6. Yeah I've heard that it hurts too, but doesn't even amount to the hurt of getting smashed in the balls. (I would know) First day of 9th grade some kid like super saiyan uppercutted me right in the nuts so I beat him up. Winning.
  7. You can be cool at times and funny, but a lot of the time you are loud and obnoxious, kinda reminding me of my old self. I'm just gonna leave it at a 0 vote for me since you're kinda neutral in my opinion. Just cut down the trolling and arguing.
  8. LOL omg that's so funny, wonder if that ♥♥♥♥ actually hurts. I should go ask Joshi3 or cigaro or Trifdign. Hmm.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-1ZaMe72ZU Really strong message, some people will think it's messed up and fake, but others will realize that this kind of stuff happens everyday.
  10. I see what you mean, but I mean it's different in all situations. Some kids can't fight back, or just don't want to. I NEVER wanted to fight back because I never really considered myself a fighter, but after that I did because I fought frequently. It's different when you're being ganged up on because you can't beat up all of them. There are kids that don't physically have the power to stand up for themselves, that's why I encourage people to stand up for others and end this madness. People commit suicide just because of this bull. It's ignorant how people say that violence doesn't solve problems, but it does. Hence why we have wars and policemen to keep stuff in order. Without policemen enforcing violence on criminals, the world would just be a totally corrupt place. War solves problems also, hence why we are independent and run our own nation and aren't taken over by people.
  11. Chickenlips


    If it doesn't annoy any other admin/mod, he's allowed to. Serbian just said it was up to the admin/mod. Lolz.
  12. +1, me and you had our conflict before, you're a good guy though. You'll get back in and I'm happy for when you do. ;D
  13. Chickenlips

    Bullying ;{

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSvV9fXc37I This video really inspired me and I wanted to rant about it. Anyone who is in school right now, and anyone who experiences bullying, don't be afraid to stand up. Only good things can come out of it. You never know what you can do until you've done it. I was bullied all in elementary and then I finally fought some bully and after that, I never got touched again. If you see some kid getting bullied, don't be afraid to stand up for them. Be the bigger man and help the kid out. Many people kill themselves from this type of stupid stuff at the hands of bullies. If anyone in the xG server is getting bullied in real life, just keep moving on and eventually they will get over it. People who just stand around and watch this type of stuff happen, could of been the one to prevent a suicide or continued bullying. Just stand up guys. Don't be afraid <3 (I have a soft side)
  14. No proof. Even if he did do it, you need proof.
  15. Oh alright, sounds good. Thanks. I'm downloading it right now.
  16. So wanna explain to me what the purpose of it is? Just to chat and hang out or??
  17. So I don't really know what teamspeak is, and people said that it's good to be active in it. So I'm just wondering how I can set this up.
  18. Nice man, they kinda remind me of Sum 41. I don't really listen to them, but the times I have, they are pretty good. Nice job bro.
  19. Chickenlips


    Kermit's voice is still equally annoying to me. I don't find him that funny. I don't find him THAT annoying either. I think you should treat Kermit the same way you treat Joshi3. It's kind of unfair. Many people find Joshi3's voice amusing and funny but you seem to not, so you ruin the fun for a lot of other people who laugh at it. No offense. I just think that all members of xG should be treated the same. I didn't find that Jamal was funny at all, I don't think Kermit is that funny either. I just don't bother with it. I guess everyone looks at it in a different way and I respect that from you, but I don't think he should be banned for the voice or muted.
  20. Chickenlips


    He did disrespect you, but you should of given him a warning before muting him. I still don't like how you don't do anything about Kermit when he's not even funny, and yet you mute and kick Joshi3 for his voice. They're both equally as funny as they are annoying. I think you should just let him do his voice, it's not a voice changer, people laugh, so who cares.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9f-6jygRJk This is now a Slow Loris thread.
  22. The internetz my friend, the internetz.
  23. I have a fetish for black girl porn. I'm sorry. I love you all.