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Everything posted by Chickenlips

  1. Member Name: Chickenlips What game?: Counterstrike: Source Your In-Game Name: Chickenlips Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41973414 Ban Reason: Trolling, harrassing, etc. Unban Reason: I really want to be unbanned because I'm really bored.. It's been like 2 days and I'm like addicted to the server, I promise if I get unbanned that I'll cut down on the trolling a lot and the harassing comments. I'm sorry for anyone I disrespected. Please understand and unban me. No other server is like this server, all the other JB servers are terrible. PLEASE UNBAN ME!
  2. Alright, so I'm gonna edit this. I apologize to all the server, including mods, people, randoms, freekillers, and admins. I have been a disrespectful person. I'm sorry for all of the arguments I've caused, all of that. I didn't know that me trolling in a text chat could be so significant. I really do sincerely apologize, and hope you all understand. I hope you don't just look over this and say, "Oh well he's just saying that because he could get banned" No, I'm not. I don't want to be enemies with anyone, the only people I'd like to be enemies with are mass freekillers. I love the server, xG is what I come on CSS to play, nothing more. I apologize for all of the antics I've caused, and I'm truly manning up and taking my own actions and apologizing for them. I'm sorry xG. If I don't get banned, I promise to change my ways, I won't argue anymore or troll the slightest bit. I'm truly sorry for the disrespect, and hope you all understand. Thanks.
  3. Member Name: Chickenlips In-Game Name: Chickenlips [TheFamily] Steam ID: STEAM:0:0:41973414 Age: 15 Game Time: I've played CSS for about 200 hours, mostly being dedicated to the xG jailbreak server. I have like 6 days and 20 something hours in xG JB. Helpful Skills: I am a good rebeller, I know the rules really well, when I go on CT I never really freekill and if I do I slay myself no questions asked. People may know me as a major ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥/troll, but I mean I've changed a little bit, I still get mad a little bit, but I don't make it as big of a deal as I use to. I've kinda grown fond of xG, I love the server, and love the people. Minus the freekillers.
  4. Chickenlips


    +1, cool guy, active, played a long time, also knows the rules better than some mods.
  5. Are you kidding me? Out of the whole xG server you're one of the ones to +1 me? I actually like you dude. I already know that you aren't a bad guy. I stopped trolling you long ago when I found out you weren't a douchebag. I don't think I'm better than anyone else, it's just the fact that I don't care about arguing and it gets me in trouble. People just get butthurt over the stupidest things. Not my fault.
  6. +1, I seen what happened, also replied and told SpiderPig he couldn't kill people just because they were annoying. Obvious freekiller. CT ban him.
  7. +1, I don't know if it matters because I'm not in xG, but whatever, +1. Knows the rules, he's funny, good person. Would be a great addition to xG.
  8. I don't remember having any problems with you? Nice try though. I think you've kicked me like once for disrespecting, and when I came back I didn't say anything. Nice try though? ---------- Post added at 05:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:27 PM ---------- Everyone needs to learn that I'm obviously disrespectful, and so is many other people in the server. You guys all act like I'm the WORST. I don't even speak on the mic, you have bad trolls on the mic all the time and I don't see ban requests for all of them? Get over yourselves.
  9. I said I was a troll, but it's not like I'm a super effective troll, people just get angry. It's not my fault. You have the choice to either ignore me or just reply and feed me. Welcome to the internet bro, QQ more.
  10. It's funny that when we were playing Station, you instigated me. You act like you're the victim. My bad that I retaliate harder than anyone? You said because I didn't have a mic, I was a 7 year old girl. I don't see why you're making a ban request on me. You kids get too mad easily. All I said to you was that you sounded like a girl and that you were mad, I don't see why it's so "offensive". Get over yourself bro. I think it was Lego where you said I was a 7 year old girl if I didn't prove that I had a deep voice. I'M TOTALLY THE CULPRIT. Lmao. ---------- Post added at 09:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 PM ---------- Oh good luck getting proof, I like how you all say I troll sooooo much, yet you guys make these silly ban requests without proof of anything. How do they know that you're just butthurt over one thing I said? It's kinda like that anyway. Stop acting innocent.
  11. Don't worry about it brohan, I love you. :D
  12. Exactly, xG has people that troll even worse than me, example: Netex, that kid is always annoying and a bigger ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ than I am, and he has a mic. I don't see why people get butthurt over me saying one word to them.
  13. Chickenlips


    -1, Mojo is a cool kid, he knows the rules well. Just because of a bad spray doesn't mean he should get banned. Just tell him to change it. I use to not like Mojo, but he's an okay guy.
  14. That's funny Duckii, because I remember encouraging you not to leave xG and hoping that you would stay. You guys have me wrong man. I only troll people that are stupid. I mean if you want to get me banned, whatever bro. I love the xG server, I just don't care about telling people off. Most of the time I'm kidding. I don't see why people get butthurt? Maasie just got mad because I was right in an argument with him so he does this. That's cool. If you guys all want to vouch to get me banned, that's fine. If I get banned, just want to let you all know that I love the xG server and I'd probably be bored as ♥♥♥♥ with CSS. Since this could possibly get me banned, I'll try to be a little bit more nicer and try to cut down the trolling.
  15. I've seen him play before, but he begged me for this vouch. So -1. I mean, he knows the rules and everything, he'd be good for xG, I just don't like that he begged me for it. I didn't beg anyone for vouches.
  16. +1 for sure, guy is a cool dude. Doesn't really break the rules.
  17. Why do you care if anyone wants you in xG? You're a cool person dude, not everyone is going to like you. I have so many haters, but I just don't give a ****. Honestly, they don't affect me. I want you to stay in xG, you're pretty damn entertaining. Don't leave bro, it would be stupid of you.
  18. Good guy, seems to know the rules. +1
  19. +1, pretty cool guy, he knows the rules so that's all to it. Good xG material.
  20. Member Name: Chickenlips In-Game Name: Chickenlips Steam ID: 0:0:41973414 Age: 15 Game Time: CS:S: About a year on different accounts. I just got it back. My other account got hacked, so I had to buy it again. I just recently bought it, but I've played for a while. Helpful Skills: I know how to speak with people, I know how to run things, I'm very friendly with people who are friendly to me. I give respect to people who give respect to me. Just my values. I love CS:S. I'm really uppity and ecstatic most of the time. I usually get along with everyone, and I try my best to get along with everyone. I don't try to make enemies.