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Everything posted by Chickenlips

  1. Trolling someone = balls to say something? Sure kid. Stop being such a troll and learn to calm down. I don't care if you hate me, you're the one being annoying by saying this kind of immature stuff. I don't care if I'm a bad warden, last time I checked it's a prison game, are wardens technically suppose to be good? You claim I freekill you, but I don't recall. I don't care about your opinion about me because you're an obvious troll. I am cool, you just decide to hate on me for some stupid reason. I never said anything to you and you just came at me randomly. If you can give me some proof and show me the bad things I said about you (If I did) then go ahead and maybe I'd change my perspective. I don't really complain that much, I just complain about stupid people breaking rules and stuff and when people don't give orders and things that bug me that I'm getting freeshot or freekilled. You say "I'm not the only troll" admitting that you're a troll. I'm not a troll, If I did say that, it's probably because I knew no one would do it and it was a joke and you just didn't understand the humor of it so it's understandable. I barely say anything to you so you don't have any authority trashing me like this. You say stupid things to me when I don't even say anything to you. You should grow up bro.
  2. +1, I like him. He knows the rules, he doesn't like freedays. He's a cool guy, people probably just had bad experiences with him. +1 nonetheless.
  3. He just trolls me because of the fact he doesn't like me. It's getting quite annoying so I do hope that admins and mods crack down on him.
  4. I'll enter if it's still going on.
  5. Well it wasn't the fact that he didn't get warden, it's just that he doesn't like me and tends to insult me for no particular reason. He never calls warden, so I don't get why he has the right to critisize other people on them being warden.
  6. Member Name: Chickenlips Player's Name: [xG]LordAragon Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:40496359 Ban Request Reason: He constantly trolls me for no reason, he always whines that I suck and that I'm a bad warden. It's just annoying having to deal with stupid people like this that have no respect for other players. Proof: Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting I'm getting sick of his stupid remarks and bad trolling, people like this shouldn't be in xG.
  7. +1, I killed him when he was T once and he said every time that he goes on CT he'll freekill me. He has done it too. He's a major troll, we don't need people like him on this server.
  8. Uh I just checked the rules, said nothing related to hat packs. I don't see why you wouldn't vote just because of that anyway. If a person deserves mod, you +1 them. Simple as that. If they don't, -1 them.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97S66xee0U8 The song soothes me. Anything by Breaking Benjamin calms me down. I've been through so many tough times and I've always listened to them. They seem to be the only band I've stuck with. I love them.
  10. I use to majorly troll back in the day, those ban requests are mad old except for the one Tarin put on me like almost a month ago. I changed my ways after that ban, and I think I'd be a great mod, people just need to realize that I changed.
  11. I did change a lot, regardless I know my past. If you don't think I'm worthy of being mod, so be it. I understand and I'll accept all criticism and opinions. No problem.
  12. I know, that's why I was considering not posting. I talked to DuckiiJr about it and he said go ahead, I don't know if he knew I was only in the clan for like 2 weeks. I've been part of the community for months though. If it really matters that much, Aegean or an admin can close the thread and I'll apply again when I can.
  13. Member Name: Chickenlips In-Game Name: [xG] Chickenlips (eZpZ) What game?: CSS Member: Yes Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41973414 Age: 15 Donated: No Other information: I have been around the clan since about July. I know I've had a bumpy road before, but I've cleaned up my act by far. I think I would be a great mod. I'm EXTREMELY active, and I know the rules more than a lot of people. I think I would be a great addition to the clan of mods. I have 11 days played on jailbreak (like i said i'm very active). I hope you guys consider giving me a chance to prove that I would be a great moderator. I pay very close attention to what happens when I die, I see numerous freekillers and such but I can't do anything about it. I'll also enforce the rules whenever possible. Thanks guys!
  14. +1, I've seen you like once and when I did, you gave me a great impression. He would be a great addition to our clan.
  15. I'm pretty sure this is Yurkoon Jr? Or something? If so, +1. Even though he is young, he still acknowledges the rules and is a great member of the community.
  16. If you could read, you'd be able to see that I also -1'd because when I have seen you, you trolled and were obnoxious. I have seen you play.
  17. I think everyone deserves a second chance. I've trolled worse than him making the whole server mad at me, yet I'm still here. I don't think he should get permed, just a week or two week ban to let him realize what he's done then let him come back and learn from his mistakes.
  18. +1, great voice, good warden for someone who has just recently started playing (from what I've seen). Glad to have you on board. :)
  19. Chickenlips


    Well until then, you can shorten the stress by getting rid of some of the useless servers. Then expand when you have that person to help you.
  20. Chickenlips


    I don't remember this. I can agree that I was a major troll back then, but I don't think it was me who was doing that to you. I never trolled you. I remember when you first joined, but I never said anything harmful to you. I changed my ways so I'm not like that anymore. I still don't remember when I was doing that though.
  21. Chickenlips


    I know I already understand this. So I'll just put a 0 then and not vote. I'm still saying that I never see her so I don't know if she deserves it or not. When I have seen her in the jailbreak server she's trolled but idk that was probably a while ago. I'll just change it to a 0.
  22. Chickenlips


    I don't see how I'm sexist. Only thing I said remotely sexist was the panties in a wad thing. Like I said before, I've barely talked to you. My trolling days are behind me, I don't even bother with that anymore because I've been banned on multiple occasions. I don't think girls should be trolled into the ground. I don't even troll girls who come on the server. I've never trolled you so I don't know where you're getting that. I've just seen girls get trolled for coming on a game like this. If I've ever trolled you, that was probably months ago. I don't bother with that kind of stuff anymore. I have no problem with you, so stop saying I do. This thread is pointless for me to post in anymore, regardless, I still -1 just because I haven't seen you that much.
  23. Chickenlips


    What? I never admitted to even disliking you. When I first came in here it was my intent to -1 because you aren't active on the jailbreak servers.. I don't personally hate you. I have nothing against you. I've seen you troll before, but that has nothing to do with it. My intent was to -1 because of activity. I don't make you feel bad about yourself.. What the hell? I've barely even talked to you, this is the most I've ever spoken in your direction. I have nothing PERSONALLY against you, it's just the way I felt about the application.
  24. Chickenlips


    I was going to say the exact same thing, remove the servers that aren't extremely active like jailbreak, minigames and surf, etc etc. Should help a bit.
  25. Chickenlips


    You being barely active is enough for me to +1. I don't have the authority to -1 you? It's called an opinion. What do you think these things are about? If I didn't have freedom to choose what I wanted to do, they wouldn't have an option to +1 or -1. When you are on, I've seen you troll and stuff also. Saying you can handle trollers and griefers yet Trifdign puts up a whole thread with you calling us faggots because you can't handle it. Who cares but still, I have the right to my own opinion, so it stays at a -1. Derp.