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Everything posted by kbshooter2

  1. Shoulf be on soon my computer broke on the move so see u guys then
  2. Ok first the form abuse was a long time ago and I am mature :suspicion: ---------- Post added at 06:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:04 PM ---------- And one more thing y are u guys bring stuff back from a year ago really u guys that's kind of like black mail ever time I will post a mod submission u guys are going to be like hell no he form spammed and like he's been mod a year ago and he will never get it again so ya. Do u guys want to act like five year olds go ahead and black mail me.
  3. I'm not lying because I never joined ur game
  4. that was a long time ago i have change alot! ---------- Post added at 09:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 PM ---------- "You went to another server when i was playing and tried to troll but you just ended up acting like an idiot saying things like "OH GUISE HOW DO I JUMP, WHAT AM I DOING" and things like that with your xG tag on (this was like 2 days ago)" I did not do that really y are u lying
  5. just want to help people out
  6. kbshooter2


    would i be a good mod
  7. kbshooter2


    Be on later but reson I haven't been on because I'm building a computer
  8. +1 good player knows the rules and like the name
  9. -1 he is the worst player in the world jk +1 he is fun to play with
  10. +1 good player be in the clan for a while and a good friend that knows the rules
  11. +1 because he is good
  12. -1 u didnt give proper orders when i was doing lr with u
  13. ya i have to do it over again:)
  14. kbshooter2


    who has finial exams this month