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Everything posted by kbshooter2

  1. kbshooter2


    ya just whats ur highest score
  2. sorry but ur young to be mod -1
  3. +1 knows most of the rules but he can pratice
  4. -1 he gets mad very easy
  5. People are yelling about repeat orders people are say they dont have to or they do i am confuse? They said duckii change them
  6. kbshooter2


    who can bowl over 100?
  7. kbshooter says hello and everone else says i missed u
  8. I been fine u all the best
  9. i was seeing how school turned out and i did fine so i will shoot on ever once in a while ---------- Post added at 09:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:54 PM ---------- sad how only 2 people remember me :(
  10. Omfg u gave zapper mod he will abuse!!!!!!!!!
  11. thx for everone i mite come back soon just for u
  12. goooodddddddddddd jooooooooooooooobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ggggggggggggggguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyyyssssssssssssss
  13. im leaving REASON: people are dicks to me in this clan and its ♥♥♥ so bye.
  14. alot of mods are in school
  15. ya rules say dont use the n word or trol u dont get that +1
  16. kbshooter2


    Fail u slay for frekilling