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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. -1 looked better with long hair, but that's more of a prefernce thing


    But srsly, +1 because I haven't had a problem with her in game. I don't know what you guys are talking about saying she's argumentative. Maybe you saw her rage, but I never have. She seems mature and active enough imo.

  2. Maybe mods don't like kids?


    I don't like MOST of the kids online. MOST have squeky voices, are disrespectful, and suck at the game in general. They don't bother to read the rules.


    However, there are exceptions. I love TheMick07, he doesn't mic spam and he doesn't act out.

  3. Sup yall. I had xG:M since we first started our survival server back in August/Septermberish. For some reason I, along with others such as Gentle (he didn't ask me to post this), lost mod/admin after the server reset. Now, I talked to PSP and he said he would bring me back to xG. But fuck that. I need my mod to stop griefers and stuff, I mean, what else could I do besides take screenies?

  4. I think I might have raped some drunk guy who blacked out..I woke up and my winkie smelled like poo..


    No really though, my dick is covered in shit and ass hair and I dunno why ..