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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. See this is where your maturity shows.


    You kids seem to think I am attacking you, when I am telling you how to do your job and talking down to you. My condesention actually stems from the fact that I'm the one acting immature and at fault.


    Kay dude. You obviously don't know what maturity even means, considering you rage at kids on css and call them "faggot" constantly.


    And as for "being attacked", you were the ones saying we weren't doing anything right and we need to learn the rules. That is an attack.


    Lol @blowing up on forums and being a hothead. I'm probably one of the most level-headed people on the server; it's just that when a 20 year old boy with a 4th grade education calls me out for stuff I didn't do wrong in the first place, I tend to get angry. Your argument is invalid and you have no proof. Get over it. Jackass

  2. they threaten to punish the individual further for some form of "disrespect" because when their decision was questioned and pointed out, by a player in a standard gamer way, "Are you stupid?", "what a dumb ass decision" or anything simple they can twist to be directed at them as mod and used to punish.


    I'm DONE with your bullshit.


    A. You were gagged (or muted?) by Duke because you were spamming ITS A FREEDAY, even though it clearly wasn't. That was a spam issue, not a legal tarp issue.

    B. I told you to stop disrespecting because over the mic you said (and I quote) "These faggot cts need to learn to do thier goddamn job." After I told you to stop, you said it wasn't disrespect because "an admin said worse over the mic one time you were on." Then you went to go on saying that mods need to stop abusing and should do thier job.

    C. Show some goddamn proof for once in your career in xG. You see that little key called F12 in the top row of your keyboard? Yeah, that takes screenshots that you can upload to your steam profile so you can post it on the forums.

    D. We were not wrong in any way. Your arrogance never seems to let up.

    E. "Doing my job" would include me staying for an extra 20 minutes and waiting for you to use the word "faggot" or telling mods to learn how to do thier jobs another couple of times and banning you from the server for a day. I would have LOVED to do this, but I had to go make dinner.


    P.S. If you're going to make an "admin abuse" topic in random about me, at least use/tag my name so I can get the notification you're talking smack about me behind my back. I would love to see the word HEISENBERG or CARISSIMI in your little rants; I enjoy tearing your spasmatic attacks to shreads.

  3. I would wonder why you posted this before *name removed for nontrolling reasons* did, and why you tried to jump out a 2 story window instead of buying a gun like the rest of us americans :(


    Lol I'm kidding obviously.


    Speaking of offing yourself, I saw this REALLY interesting thread on 4chan on how to off yourself with a suspended rock and some rope. Interesting stuff considering the amt. of effort someone went through to forumulate that instead of just shooting himself or OD'ing on alcohol and nyquil.


    Whoops pardon the short attention span.


    But if these is one of those cries for help or anything, chat with me on steam.

    OWAIT THIS IS A JOKE THREAD (maybe)? Whoops

  4. Ms. Snackbar, Canadia, Abria/Cookiez, and a few other girls would like to have a word with you

    Lol and Luka

    nice! Anyone who did that for me get's a free hat pack :3 Need a new avatar. No guys.

    Inb4 Rabid pics

  5. yeah but all u ever do is spam the xg members to +1 your application. i understand letting xg members about it once, but not every time you're online. Also im pretty sure begging is frowned upon so yeah :|


    -1 THIS


    You're always on telling the mods+ (including me) to unban you even though your ban protest wasn't accepted (yet). You say you fl'd ONCE, but no mod+ would CTban you for a week due to that. You obviously mass fk'd, as Fluff said.