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Friend of xG
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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. +1 for these two rules.


    But I agree with everyone else too; If the server is almost full or if someone accuses a CT you should go to spec. It really helps weed out the bad CTs so you can go back to playing. But I know how much you love to be a CT so this might not work out :( I'd just ask another mod+ to spec CTs in that case.

  2. Oh look its Mathieu0328!


    The guy who always comes into the server with the [xG:L] tag on!


    I hope you get unbanned!


    EDIT: Oh yeah I think its really funny when we ask you to change it and you make it say [G:L] instead!


    EDIT2: We've collectively warned him about this ~20 times, He just never learns LOL!


    This is SO true. I've had to tell him at least 2 different times. I thought he wised up and stopped tho. Maybe that's why he was b&