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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. I'm a pretty big conservative, but I find Glenn Beck (not you, the actual guy) to be an ignorant jackass who loves to stir up controversy and blabber nonsense. On the other hand, so does Obama. I don't see how politricks even matter anymore because how much of the government is corrupt. We might as well be in soviet Russia.

    OHSHITWHOOPS can't talk about politics on here :/


    And you can do a ban protest btw

  2. He did. And then he disrespected Faces. Disrespect can be many forms, most of which are to try and harm someone in someway. Now let's be honest. A lot of people say and do things that are just crappy. But they usually go and say something once or twice then move on. But this guy repeatedly came after me even after I told him to chill and more people began to tell him off. And then on CT he did it again over mic. Eventually I just left. That is disrespect and, I believe, against the rules.




    and he was CHOOSING fights on purpose. That's what bothers me. Cancer at it's worst right there.


    Oh and thanks for the response about the med stuff. I find that shit interesting as hell


    @breezy I know what trolling is. I was calling him a failtroll, the kind of 12 y/o that just goes "umad lolumad fag fag umad"

  3. What did y'all have for breakfast? I made the BEST thing.


    I was making 3 scrambled eggs (with mayo) on the stove. I was saddened to find out I had no ham or whatever to add into it D:


    BUT THEN I found an eggroll that's been left over from 2 nights ago. So I mix it in, and holy shit, it was AMAZING.


    All this while blaring electro since I was/am home alone ^_^

  4. Normally I'd 1 spam this, but 3 sounds like a better option.


    And you shouldn't date a guy unless you KNOW you're bi. Like straight up know. Otherwise you could be leading him on and that's not very nice :P

  5. +1 for a 2day ban. What a failtroll. He was just trying to pick fights.


    BTW you're actually an EMT nurse? What do you do if you slice a main artery (like jugular)? Does it just rebind on its own?

  6. Hi I'm Heisenberg, although most people call me "Cari" [Kerry] because of my last name. I'm a CSS admin and a minecraft moderator.

    I like cornbread the most out of all corn products. It's my favorite part of the MREs :D

  7. Lol these peopl dont no howe two spel


    I'm a baker and I dough it


    I'm a pimp and I ho it


    I'm a farmer and I hoe it


    I'm a 4chan and I /co/ it


    I'm a brotha' and I fro it


    I'm a boater and I row it


    Need I go on?