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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. -1 He's doing the best he can and works his ass off for the clan


    Unless this is a joke thread lol. In that case +1 because he stole my carrot sticks and told my mom I threw it away :.(

  2. +1 I was thinking of someone else


    No probs


    Edit: Killed me while I was outside of a warday with no weapons. I didn't repramand him because I was kinda "tarping" the CTs. Just be sure to read motd onceover. Still a +1

  3. 3. I'm extremely paranoid in real life, even though i'm extremely relaxed (socially) on the Internet. I carry a Ka-Bar and an unregistered revolver that my dad left me when he passed away in my car, and a small switchblade on my person.

    Oh dude pics PLEAAASE!! I'm going to get a Ka-Bar soon and am having trouble deciding on the sytle.

    Btw in case you didn't know, it's made of 1095 carbon steel which rusts if you don't keep it oiled. My cousin had one and ruined it :.(

  4. 1. I donate blood as often as I can.

    2. Haven't gotten my driver's liscence yet, but I'm getting it next month hopefully.

    3. I like guns :D and I love discussing them even more.

    4. The only times I've been banned/kicked from xG servers are results of a joke or me accdiently banning myself >.<

    5. One time in 2nd grade I was sent to the principal's office for licking the entire hallway wall on my way to lunch. No joke. Don't ask me why I did, I don't remember :P

  5. It's REALLY hard to decide. Cats are easy to take care of, but they're just bitches. Most will only show affection when THEY want to.


    Dogs are AWESOME but are a pain in the ass to take care of. You have to dedicate your life to them. I only like my dog, and no one else's because I don't trust other people's dogs.

  6. 1. You only called warden. never gave order to freeze.

    2. I then asked if your going to let it turn into a freeday in which you replied via voice chat "yes i am"

    3. There were many other CT's who could and would have called warden.

    4. You had atleast 20 seconds after i had said you would be CT banned for not giving orders to give order and then never did.

    5. If you look at your screen shot please read the reason and do such you clearly don't understand it well enough to be on ct.



    Plus l2take the game less srsly. Pretty sure the amount of butthurt you had in that game would make it impossible to sit on a bed of jello. Just sayin.

    I'm suprised how you didn't mention in this how I'm a "horrible admin" and I "don't know the rules" because I jokingly said "I call Leeroy all T's Jenkins" which apparently "violated the MOTD"