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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. I should incorporate ponies into my furry freedays
  2. ^Granted, but It's a mac :( (Lol sorry Jay) I wish all the illegal immigrants were granted thier own country in the middle east, the late Iraq now becomes "Isrealio"
  3. Heisenberg


    Lol I dropped my AP calc class because I only passed last year by cheating. Whoops!
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOZLty1tujA&feature=related Someone say WRYY?
  5. We should all dress up as a theme for halloween in school and have a little party with cake and fruit punch!! I'll bring chips! -_- but srsly what can we really "do" for halloween? And who would want to? Like I thought I was the only person who didn't have a social life, but holy ♥♥♥♥. Nobody's got any parties that day after school? Well in that case I say we use the halloween game mode in tf2 (and drink alone, all manic depressive) while everyone's out trick-or-treating! I'd actually be up for that.
  6. ^Granted, but I left it out in the sun for half an hour and now its just moldy brownie cake mush I wish I didn't cry so hard at the end of Paying It Foward while watching it with my friends today. Awkward :/
  7. ^granted, but all it is is that your ♥♥♥♥ gets to retract into your body, through your ♥♥♥hole, so you can literally ♥♥♥♥ yourself I wish I wasn't so goddamned lazy in school
  8. this .jpg one should work in CSS[ATTACH]458.vB[/ATTACH]
  9. ^granted, but you are so black that your body actually traps light and you become a black hole I wish I didn't blow my 200th post on this thread just now
  10. [ATTACH]457.vB[/ATTACH] made this for hudson jr.
  11. ^wish granted, I'll have aegean! close it, but then he re-opens it a second later. WISH DENIED I wish people would stop compaining about this game, although the BANNED game has 42 pages
  12. ^granted, *a 500000 pound lady appears in front of Brian* WHY DO YOU THINK OF THESE THINGS O.o I wish ammunition wasnt so goddamn expensive
  13. Will I still have moderator? It makes me feel special :3
  14. -1 IMO he's immature and acts like a kid. He doesn't deserve warden, no offense
  15. Heisenberg

    Do want

    +1 that would be awesome
  16. lol what happens if it gets griefed and says something like "you're a fat whore"
  17. [ATTACH]444.vB[/ATTACH] this is now a serious cat thread
  18. No it's cool I was overreacting and you were too young to remember really. Like I was in 2nd grade and barely remember. And serb sorry for turning this into a global-socio-political debate
  19. Lol draw a ♥♥♥♥ and say suck it Jk, you should youtube it. And make sure she has minecraft first hahaha [ATTACH]433.vB[/ATTACH] picunrelated
  20. Freekill! Sorry for being a ♥♥♥♥. But they're insignifigant as far as I'm concerned. I don't want to sound like one of those american bigot stereotypes, but thier lives are nothing compared to ours. Considering our 3k that died were high-class people who were working in the WTC changing the world, and the hundreds of thousands of iraqi farmers and poor peasant city-dwellers wouldn't have changed anything in the long-term, I'd say we have the worse loss. And I know "you shouldn't think of people as objects etc.", but I'm a pyschopath so that's how I roll. I don't give a ♥♥♥♥ about political correctness Survival of the fittest. My country vs. thier's. And yet hundreds of thousands die every day in third world countries like Uganda and nobody gives a ♥♥♥♥, but as soon as a few hundred thousand civilians die people go crazy. Numbers are insignificant. People die all the time. Like, 12 students and 1 teacher are killed in the Columbine Massacare and everyone goes CRAZY. That same year millions died in Sierra Leone during a civil war and people only semi-cared because of diamonds. Inb4 "Future hitler has spoken." or "you're a horrible person"
  21. ^granted, but now your intense smartness gives you constant migranes that drive you to commit suicidal acts I wish more people were interested in this game