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Posts posted by Xepher

  1. You're favorite class is spy, of course you hate Pyro's XD


    To be honest, my favorite class to play is the Sniper :O Along with Medic, Scout, & Heavy. I play as Pyro, Spy & Soldier sometimes (I love my Killer's Kabuto :3). Engineer I don't play as much, but if they need Engies, I go as them. I think the class I hate are Demoman, I'm terrible with him XD

  2. 1. I used to work at Five Guys Burgers & Fries, but now work as a Birthday Party host at the Charleston Edmond Fromage (Fancier way of saying Chuck E Cheese)


    2. I speak Japanese (Been learning from myself and classes for about 4 years)


    3. I may suck at playing CSS and other shooter games, but chances are I might kick your ass at Dance Dance Revolution (Playing DDR for about 9 years)


    4. I'm 6'0" and favorite animal is a jackal :3


    5. I wanted to become a professional chef or the next Steve Jobs when I was in High School lol

  3. So because someone got a good score, their obviously hacking ( ¯\(°_o)/¯ ) I guess that means Segway, Tabiko, Classics, Mohammad, and the other high ranked members have to be banned as well.


    Like I said, post a video of it and we'll take it from there

  4. Like EZ said, he was banned wrongfully before, but was unbanned. Also instead of saying he's hacking because of a better score, get some video proof of him playing before making this thread.


    Leaving this open for a bit till I get better evidence

  5. Closing this because this is getting out of hand and no need to disrespect people and shit.


    If you have a problem, please talk to one of the Division Leaders or above about it or make an admin abuse thread. Sorry dude <3

  6. I honestly think that Cherrys is just buttmad that someone is more e-cool than he is and hes mad jelly of how e-popular doug is.




    Just want to put that out ;)