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Posts posted by Xepher

  1. I checked banlogs, it happened about 6 months ago, and its unknown which admin banned you since it says "admin deleted"


    I want to wait on the others approvals first before we unban you =P

  2. Why do you think I have this thread? Jailbreak Game Idea Thread


    Now don't get me wrong I do trivia, but I agree with Carissimi on this. Doing simple math trivia is boring and repetitive. Also it can be funny when warden can make a math question and get his own question wrong, that ♥♥♥♥ is hilarious XD

  3. Never knew about the deal thing with Silence, probably been busy and hasn't been around to unban you guys yet.


    Also quoting this from the last protest thread by Aegean

    I want an actual apology from mephesto before I unban your clan. He is an admin and represents your clan' date=' we told him about the situation and his response was "yeah so?" ... unnacceptable.[/quote']


    Don't know if he did or not yet or what the official word is, but I'll let the other Division leaders and up talk about this and come to an agreement

  4. Tired of playing the same games like First Reaction Last Reaction, and No Balls every round? Do you have an idea that is fun and exciting for all players? Then you come to the right thread my friend. I'm introducing a new thing for the Jailbreak servers for the members & nonmembers of XG to throw out some ideas that would be fun for players to do. Only thing is that it must follow MOTD & Jailbreak Rules (i.e. "Insane day" No offenses Mito, I still love you <3)


    The reason why I'm doing this is because I don't know about you guys, but I'm tired of playing on a map where you can do so much games/activities, only for warden to play FRLR or No Balls


    So what are you waiting for? Throw some ideas out! If you don't got any ideas? Spread this out to everyone you know who plays on the servers!

  5. Duckii, Rabid, Snackbar, Ms.Snackbar, Kelly, Sgtblu, Tarin, Abira, nero, Takibo, my Uncle Jay :3, Penguin, Canadia, Xavien, Chrono, DUKE DUKE DUKE DUKE and DUKE, HudsonJr, DuckiiSr, Orangejuice, Mohammad, Herpes, Aegean mah fb buddy, King J, Serbian, Smokeyyy, Tarin Jr, Floodles, and the list goes ON AND ON! <3


    Duke, Duckiijr, Ben (aka BFF), Trif, vicious, killaconor, mohammad, iron♥♥♥asin (my tinychat buddy), nuke, Fallen angel, ♥♥♥♥♥, and S♥♥♥er Penguin. My fav ♥♥♥gas, come at me.


    Arthman, xavien21 <3, that one ♥♥♥ named sean (yes both), vicious, dino, hudson, ninjar, ninj4, meowmix, herpes and unique.



  6. Get proof, make a CT ban request on him and we'll take it up from there. Also sometimes we can't see every freekill that happens =P but we do keep a close eye if there are multiple stories about it

  7. Quoting from Herpes from the ban request thread


    If any mod or admin sees him in the servers and he disrepects' date=' ban him for a day to a week.(Depending on how severe the disrespect was.) MajorB you need to seriouslly chill out. This is a community and we are all friends.[/quote']

  8. what tarin was trying to say about me, is that i told him that u mute or gag the person first before u have to silence them, its like slaying a ct for freekilling first and warn them rather than skipping to the ct ban


    This. There are a few mods who just skip to CT banning them if its their first offense (You know who you are)