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Posts posted by Xepher

  1. If you look under the highlighted part, it shows that he killed one more person after it.


    Honestly I can't judge if this was a mass freekill or not since I wasn't on. If I see him on though I'll be sure to keep a good eye on him.

  2. I wanted to do something special for Furry Freeday, but can't since I'm not allowed to "cause it breaks the rules blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda"


    It started as an inside joke with me & Carissimi, then it spread and a lot of people know it now lol

  3. That's not new. That's just another name for Furry free day.


    Except you don't do that on Furry Freeday. Lulz


    Also Furry Freeday is best freeday, other freedays are just wannabe's

  4. I has two forum topic suggestions for our website.


    1. CT Ban protest


    This will help out sort from who got banned from the server and people who've been CT banned


    2. Name Change Topic


    Changed your name and want to tell people about it? Post it in the Name change topic thread. That way users can find out which friend of theirs changed their names


    I highly doubt this is gonna happen...but worth a try I guess

  5. The problem are not the laws, the real problem is that the idiots who control our country support them


    Hence this is why I think when the world is going to end, it will be due to idiotic politicians around the world blowing each other up.