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Friend of xG
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Posts posted by Xepher

  1. Didn't hear about this till today this morning, but holy crap that is messed up. He removed me from my friends list already.


    Also am I the only one who kinda saw this coming since he only wanted to be "friends" with the younger members of XG? I didn't want to say anything since I would sound like an asshole ._.

  2. This is one of those joke threads...right? Where, like, people say "Yeah RoSSer is a baddie +1" and we all laugh because RoSSer is really cool?


    Nooooo I think this is serious....I think...not sure though



  3. Oh trust me, I get that a lot. You know the one guy that girls run to for advice and help with anything and says that she would love to have a boyfriend like you, but ends up being with a guy who treats them like shit? Yeah I'm that guy.


    Also meet Friend Zone Fiona, she'll be your worst enemy

