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Posts posted by Xepher

  1. Alright yeah +1 to remove this or at least nerf this down.


    Some CT players are now being cocky and think they are God's gift to creation with their secruity blanket classes. "HAHAHA! I'M SO PRO U GUISES!!! WITH MY 150HP & 75 ARMOR & AWP!!! :D"

  2. I said it once & say it again, its still a work in progress, these stats & specialties aren't set in stone yet. Honestly, is it something to ragequit and stop playing Jailbreak because of this? No not at all. Is some of the stuff little overpowered, yes there is.


    If its that big of a deal for you that you refuse to play on the JB server, go play on the other XG servers, we got other fun games besides JB like Minigames, 24/7 Dust2, Deathrun, etc.

  3. When a T chooses Race as their LR, it shows a message saying "The last T has chosen race! Pay attention and follow them for the finish line!" If their away from the rest of the CT's (which they should be with the other CT's at all times, besides freedays) and loses race cause they were away from the T not paying attention, kinda their own fault haha


    Race isn't the only LR that can be considered "cheap" Dodgeball & Knife fights can be cheap if the person is afk & the jump contest can be cheap as well if you glitch yourself into the ceiling in cells jumping on the top bunk of the bed. I do believe when T's do that its a slayable offense since it's an advantage for them.


    If they were to remove any LR, let it be Chicken Fight, it takes way too long >_>