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Posts posted by Xepher

  1. Ah! Well thanks beautiful. He never gave me that in depth reason!


    Hence why its important to listen to both sides of the story before to judge =P I think we all learned a valuable lesson here today. ♥♥♥♥ this sounds like an after school special lesson, or Full House, one of the two XD

  2. Back in the day we got up extremely early around 5 or 6, but not this year since my sister is in Idaho this Christmas, my mom is working and my brother, who knows what.


    A.K.A. I'm celebrating Christmas by myself and home alone.



  3. Law Abiding Citizen is a good movie =P What type of genres are you looking for in general and do you prefer old movies or recent ones? I can probably help you out on some (Used to be a film major haha)

  4. Some other post of the medievil looking picture with the guy kneelin down with a sword talking about " prepare for the ♥♥♥♥ storm "

    That pic made my day :) still makes me smile.


    Oh you mean the one I posted in that one other thread?



    Still love that pic :3


    Anyways, back on topic, I agree with EZ, I don't get why of instead of yelling and ♥♥♥♥♥ing at people to do something right, if you calmly tell them about something, they will understand. Example, a couple of days ago PuppyLuv (some of you may know how young this person is and such) wanted to be warden, while some of the CT's were ♥♥♥♥♥ing and whining at Puppy and saying he/she (it cause idk if its a boy or girl haha) couldn't be. So I unmuted myself and calmly told Puppy that he/she couldn't be warden because of the voice and age, and responded back "Ok I won't be warden." There. Problem Solved. A shitstorm was avoided and we all had a fun day on Jailbreak :D

  5. Title says it all, I believe that some players, specially mods/admins should get reserved slots in case the server gets full and there are no mods/admins on at the time. I also believe that people who have donated a certain amount should get something like this too.


    Make this happen please? :3

  6. We have a thread about how you found xG, so let's talk about your username, gametag, etc on the servers.


    For me, people may know me as "That One Pyro Furry" I also go by a lot of different names such as Jackal, Xepher Sicarius, Pyro, Assassin, Furry, and so on so on. Mostly this is all related to my fursona (The dude in my icon, sprays and stuff) The "That One" part is inspired by the Nostalgia Critic, also known as, That Guy with the Glasses.


    Let's hear your story


    Oh hey 800 posts. I'm on my way to be a post whore! :D

  7. It started back in June where me and my best friend were looking for servers to play on CSS, we ended up on the Jailbreak map, and we both ended up having a great time on the servers, and the rest is history. Still need to get my friend to join xG once he gets back from boot camp