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Posts posted by Xepher

  1. sorry but ur young to be mod -1


    Age doesn't mean anything, we have a few mods who are 13-14 year olds. It's all about maturity and dedication to the community. You're basically giving your trust to the person to have power to control the server

  2. Here's the story, I talked to Duckii myself about this since I've been hearing about this. Duckii is going to edit the MOTD a bit and add the rule of wardens have to repeat orders 3 times when people ask. It's not in the MOTD now, but will be in the future.

  3. I do belive the MOTD needs to clear up some things.


    One question, what's going to happen with the wardays?


    I talked to Duckii and the MOTD is going to be edited a bit with, including wardays

  4. Trif, are we even friends on steam?

    You need to add me on steam too bby, Herpes cant know our secret affair!


    On topic, Color, if people are disrespecting you to the point its bad, make a member protest about it. Can we play nice guys? Please?

  5. Before I start I just wanted to say Happy Holidays to everyone on here and hope that you're enjoying them :)


    Now I thought about this after the whole thread of "who's the most dramatic person of XG" and have categories that tries not to insult other members and cause shitstorms haha (Keyword is try here) Really not any prizes here, but bragging rights I guess and something to laugh about.


    Here's a few catergories I had in mind


    Funniest Member

    Best Warden

    Best Rebeller

    Most likely to die by a door

    Best shooter with an AWP

    Best JB Map

    Best Minigame Map


    and so on so on


    Thoughts about this? I think it would a be fun idea

  6. So far nothing since I'm home alone for Christmas and not celebrating it till my brother & sister are back from doing whatever lol


    But yesterday got $100 from my aunt and a Keurig coffee maker (Well, its technically my Mom's, but she'll never use it haha) and from my friend a Ghostbusters shirt and a fox tail :D

  7. we can maybe make a sub section in random where duckiijr can post all the random stuff he wants or maybe merge all his threads into one

    Weeellll....I did made a thread for all the random posts can go into called "Let It Out" but that didn't work out now did it?


    Anyways, happy holidays Duckii :)

  8. Ohhhhhh the old "my friend/brother/sister/dad/cat/pickle did it" excuse. When r they gonna learn?


    Did you hear the time were my fathers uncle sister half cousin nephew in law twice remove pet slave friend of their aunt brothers friend friend step mother half brother hacked my account and said all those bad stuff? No one believed me :C